New update not fully working


I’m not sure if anybody else is experiencing delays in alliance members profiles not showing up and not being able to raid certain players.

If it’s a matter of me waiting a couple of days for it all to catch up- no big deal. But if there’s something I can do to help this issue somebody please let me know.

I have already updated and my phone is indicated that I am running the current version

That just means whoever you are trying to raid, or whoever’s profile your looking at, hasn’t updated yet. It happens every update.

It works vice-versa too. If you have updated and they haven’t, they can’t see your information either.

Just be patient for a few days, some of us can’t even update yet.


Thanks for the info- it finally straightened out

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Thanks for the reply Justin- I get a little eager sometimes- LoL

Have a great day!


Topic answered.