New update issues

Anyone else having issues with the raids? I have seen it a couple of times where after two turns all of the heroes that I am raiding all of a sudden has full mana and then all hit me at once and kill all my heroes. I’m cgalkingbit up to just done update bugs but this morning I raided a person twice that’s 400 points weaker than my team(yes I know that doesn’t matter) but each one of their heroes didn’t matter which one would hit me with a special skill and rages out one or more of my heroes, it doesn’t matter if their heroes are level 3’s, they have been rakimgbout my fully ascended 4’s.

Hopefully this gets fixed

Can you take a video of what you’re seeing? If you’re on Android, I can explain how to do it with the game tools menu.

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I’m on IPhone but will video my next raid to see if it does it again

Gunnar Gunnar and again Gunnar.

Hello, after the update whatever I do either training, using a special coin or a gem I get only Gunnar. There is no way to obtain something else, it seems that the random factor has been broken. Is Someone else experiencing the same and has some advice for fixing it?

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