Any tips? New player and trying to figure everything out.
Don’t eat Bane.
Try to understand what this game really is. There’s a post here that gives you nice tips: What exactly is a Gacha? (Read before posting things about "unfair pulls")
When you reach certain level you can join an alliance, in order to kill titan and battle in war (above level 12). The search for a team can start in the alliance recruitment (AR) room within the game, but there’re many groups on Line and Discord.
Some alliances will require your participation as a member of those social apps.
This game is for a long term achievements. No obsession is important.
Good luck and welcome here.
Here is a thread linking many tips, tricks, and bits of advice for new players, written by some of the most experienced players in the game.
Be ok with 3*s and progressing slowly. Build from the ground up.
Progress too fast and you’ll find yourself frustrated playing against more experienced players while having little knowledge of how to compete.
This is a good list of some of the core posts to look at first, including the one @NPNKY mentioned already:
If you click through to that post, there’s a good listing of other resources too.
Those general resources aside, do you have specific questions that you’re wondering about, @Ryko13016?
Na im good man. Think i got it all.
When you reach certain level you can join an alliance, in order to kill titan and battle in war (above level 12). The search for a team can start in the alliance recruitment (AR) room within the game, but there’re many groups on Line and Discord.
In addition to what was said about Alliance I’d like to point out that Alliance is important and you need to choose it carefully.
Couple of notes on alliance choosing:
- Look at alliance you are about to join. Check the position of a leader in the allowance board. It must not be much lower than of other players ( first third of alliance I’d say). Check when a leader and co-leaders were last active. If they were not in a game for more than 12 hours, the alliance is probably not very active and might be boring and not productive.
- Once you joint an alliance, don’t think that it is forever. Play with this alliance for some time. Feel its atmosphere. Understand if it fits you and you fit the alliance. Stay as long as you feel comfortable. If something is not good in an alliance and you can’t influence it, find yourself another alliance. There are always more alliances than players and lots of hood alliances are in a need for active members.
Wolf9 say:
Read the links that tht others players have posted.
And don’t feed Bane! !!
That all.