New player advantage

Level 60, first and only 10x this month:

In the AMA Tim, the lead developer, said the odds were always the same for all players. I guess we’ll have to take him at his word.


If the transcript is accurate, he actually didn’t say that. He gave two very vague answered on odds, one of which was a political plausible deniability kind of statement (for AM’s odds) and then a “yeah” to a question about summons odds and then launched into a story about one specific case that wasn’t true. Maybe I just hang out with highly political animals too much, but when I hear answers like that I never count them as addressing the questions.

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It took me 9 month of playing to get my first HotM. After that I got two following ones also.
If there is a new player summoning advantage it certainly didn’t effect me.


Rana and Seshat…and Boril too!
I am quite


…and Rigard. Solid 3* by and large until…Renfeld. My nemesis had to stick his ugly mug between Rana and Seshat!


There are a lot of embassies here. I just assume language/ culture/ gender/ generational differences and give them the benefit of the doubt.

On the other hand, this is an employee giving an AMA so legal was probably involved.

On the gripping hand, players have trouble with the published odds of shop and summons so I would be vague if it was my creative offspring being grilled by a large group of players casually holding farming implements and oxidizing wooden cylinders.


Same here, I send a email with the issue and they reply all OK with my account and the summons are equal chances. Absolutely bulshit, I have another account in low level alliance and some of them have the ranvir twice without spending a penny…!!! And I have about 40 pulls with 3*only

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That is an expected outcome at 1.3% probability per summoning.


I spent over a year in the game without getting a single 5* hero from any route. Then I started hitting the hero of the month including 2 HOTM in a single 10 pull.

I have a whole team of Anzoghs.

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Your username is perfect for that statement :joy:

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Well I gave up spending money on this game after I bought 11000 gems when they featured gravemaker and didn’t get one five star Atlantis hero but yet people from my alliance that didn’t buy any gems and just used hero token or Atlantis token they saved up for a couple pulls and got gravemaker. So the game rewards people that don’t spend money and not other way around. Basically u just have to be very lucky and having a lot of gems supposed to give you better odds obviously but it’s still based on a lot of luck so I’d rather not waste my money when I still have to be very lucky

I do not have a clue what I’m doing


Hi @Riaan, welcome to the Forum!

Is there something in particular you need help with? :slight_smile:


This is a wise way to look at it. There is no amount of money that you can spend which will take luck out of the equation. Pick a dollar value that will let you feel like you gave the summoning a reasonable try, but you won’t be upset if you fail.

For many people, that dollar value is $0 :slight_smile:


Such a wonderfully honest statement. I’ve often felt exactly like that!

Here is one thread to get you started. Keep asking questions, we all started at the beginning too and didn’t know what we were doing.


Thanks @Riaan this is my favourite comment on the forum because I feel this way in real life sometimes, let alone in this game! :joy::rofl:


For many European players it’s €0 + VAT :joy:


So new players have better luck?

It took me 6+ months to pull a single 5*. The vast majority of my 300 gem pulls yield 3* heroes. If the premise of this thread is correct, I expect that eventually my epic summons will start giving me Aifes and Sha Jis. :laughing:


I suspect that it’s just a survival bias, the accounts that get lucky early don’t find the early grind as bad so stick around longer


Just breezing around… I’ll ask in a while
Struggling with training recruits. Leveling up and then creating teams