New holy hero to ascend

Ok I had luck and got Leo costume…
Who would u ascend next and why?

Thanks ahead

C.Leo. Elemental defense down is of utmost importance, and splash damage is treated the same as AoE in new raid formations, especially double formations.
You already have fulfilling yellow heroes, and if you go with C.Leo, you won’t lose to most opponents.


Another vote for C Leo.

Vivica would also tempt me as I like to have a legendary healer for all the colors, but I guess Gullin with emblems works. Unless you get a lucky costume pull for Vivi.


I vote for c. Leonidas as well.

That elemental defense down is a great plus for the synergy with the other yellow heroes you have.

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C-Leo easily. Everyone above stated all you need to know.

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It’s a no brainer to me as well, C Leonidas hands down. Just jealous that you managed to pull him when he’s not featured.
And If I were you, I would officially retire jackal, reset his emblems and give it all to sif


Thanks everyone for your feedback…
@Tidyup i was lucky to get him…i tried a 10 pull and he came with uraeus…didnt expect him…wanted chao and kelile but i managed to get only the former

You got both heroes I wanted, smh. All I got was Cyprian…

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A few tavern of legends ago I aimed Delilah …ofc i didnt get her after 30 pulls…my wife had a single pull and got her…troll game

That’s a really impressive yellow roster anyways. Wished mine was as diverse as yours

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C. Leo is the man. Congrats on pulling him

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Yep. Not really a mind-boggling question. Why wouldn’t you use those darts to Leo and his costume? He is a far better version Jackal as the former hits 3, reduces the attack power of the purple enemies, and has better survivability than the latter. You can even make this average hero fire in 9 tiles just by supporting him with a level 5 mana troop or a level 1 mana troop (if you opted his mana bonus at the 19th node on the talent tree of the costumed version).



Whatever the above said. :wink:


Luckier than me in some sense.

35x pulls and 3 Azlar costumes.
1 is enough though. :rofl:


OH, shoot!! Please give me one :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:


Would love to if I could. :yum:


My only doubt is with uraues since i don’t have an anti minion holy hero… i was like 70 leo 30% uraeus

I forgot to add Thor in the picture as well…but since most people dont like him anyway

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I don’t see Uraeus as an anti-minion hero like how we consider Grimble, Gefjon, Captain of Diamonds, Gobbler, costumed Gormek and even Kvasir do. He bypasses the minion/s fronting their hero owner. I don’t need anti-minion heroes to combat the Freya and Bera tanks. I kill them using 4 or less favorable tiles with any of my 2 monoyellow teams.

Doesn’t change my suggestion which to invest darts to. I like Thor. He fits in perfectly in any of my 2 monoyellow teams. Alas, I don’t have those 2. SG is stingy for players like me who uses mostly free coins, tokens and keys summoning for almost a year.

Leo costume still would be my best option if I am in your shoes.

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I have 3 C. Azlars too. 1 maxed. I’m tempted to max a 2nd one