🗿 New Guardians of Teltoc Challenge Event – FAQ, Discussion & Summoning Results

What do you think about this day offer?

3.33 dollars

x10 challenge coins, 300 gems (X3)

Should i purchase It? They would be 6 summonings

Im chasing jackal , Falcon and lf pulling Vela

. I did a X10 pull yesterday and only got feeders sadly

Legendary was tough…


At which rank are you now. Just starting and believe i can reach the same times.

Personally as a C2P I liked this offer. I think the other offers from this point forward may be expensive ones so I am enjoying Day 1 and Day 2 and managed to get 2 Falcons from them (1 yesterday and 1 today).

Yeah that final fight in legendary was a tough one. Some really bad RNG and underestimating chameleon’s attack buff meant two slash attacks one shot Rigard and Ares, and I had to flee because there was no way that was happening. I initially took in Queen of Hearts who I’d been using thus far, but after reading this thread, round 2 was this:

Used all my Time Stops to keep Chameleon from firing except once. Was probably a tad unnecessary. As long as you make sure to wipe off the buff ASAP, probably not an issue.

I want to say it was almost as bad as Avalon. But I don’t remember the others. With proper preparation, it’s beatable, but don’t underestimate the bosses at all. Owl and Kong may be jokes as heroes but not as bosses.


As usual, epic and legendary last stages with classic 4* only. Epic is extremely easy even for classics. Legendary is tough. 2 AoE bosses are no joke for such a team. Therefore, if you have no special heroes, bring some time stop to not let fire those bosses. Everyone playing this game for at least 4 months should have a forge upgraded and if the player wants to finish legendary, then should use some 4* items once a month.


Im so happy i was able to pull Vela!

But not Falcon or jackal.

I bought the offer X2

I think i will stop here this time


I finished both epic and legendary but i dont understand how the first guy on leaderboard have 1 mil points and i have like 800k??:-? Whats the trick?

They completed in much faster and had more hp left and didn’t use any continues.

I completed as faster as i could, no continues on any stages, what do u mean bu hp left??

this morning i started with only 1 challenge coin, i used 2 WE flasks and then whatever it gave me naturally. I just got to 10 coins on my last energy… and BEHOLD: Ulmer haha
Oh well

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Scores for individual stages were posted before in this thread. E.g. Top players usually complete first few stages within 1 minute each.
HP bonus - more HP left on your heroes - more points you’ll get. Not sure how much more, bit it is there.

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How to beat last stage of the legendary , very difficult :pensive:



Just think there is one missing family member… where is Mr or Mrs :cold_face: @ 5*?..

I used 5 flasks and I got 1 coin :rofl:

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@RockEmSockEm That is why I take out Owl first rather than Chameleon, to cover my bacon for when he goes off. It is either take him out or Owl. So it is a pick your poison kind of deal.

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I need help to organize the epic team. I manage to finish the events at rare and legendary, but fail at epic always.
I have all the classic 4 * heroes, and 4 guardian Jackal, 2 guardian Falcon, 3 Wilbur, Proteus, 2 Triton, 2 Buddy, Merlin, sir Lancelot, 2 Agwe, Hansel, Gretel, captain of Diamonds, Gobbler, Gadeirus, Cheshire Cat.
The majority are not grow and my problem is :
What epic heroes deserve to be raised for events? I tried different formulas but I fail. :frowning:
Any advice will be appreciated, thank you very much for your time. Adi

Out of the 4*s listed:

  • Proteus, Merlin, Hansel and Gretel are great heroes that can help you complete challenge events
  • G. Falcon, Lancelot, and Wilbur are awesome for this event and for high scores

For other events:

  • Triton for Grimforest and Wonderland is great
  • Buddy and Gadeirus for Avalon
  • G. Jackal for Pirates and some purple-heavy stages in the other events.

Oh and as for the classics, pretty much pick the ones that can increase your damage output. Preferably with offensive oriented skills too. Best ones off the top of my head are Scarlett, Grimm, Tiburtus, Little John and Wu Kong (and obviously bear in mind the reflected color).


Wilbur and Guardian Falcon together is deadly, so you must ascend them. Then focus on making a red stacking team. You can beat Legendary even by using those two heroes.


Thanks for your quick reply Dave,
your best epic team is?. … I would have been much more pleased that my post would remain independent… maybe I get more tips :blush: