New defense due to telluria nerf

@AnRui I’m finding Frigg is more and more a force at tank when I face her. Problem is I don’t have enough samples to really get a feel for her weakness to assess the extent of her weakness in wars and raid. Now, she is Rogue class. Since you are using Marjana and have her emblemed, you will need to either move emblems around or share emblems to beef up Frigg via her talent grid. Most of the other popular tanks have been around long enough that most folks know how to counter them. Frigg is still quite rare across the community and will be an unknown for most who face her just because of her rarity.

I have a separate thread talking about tanks post-Telluria nerf here

Telluria/Vela nerfed! Ok, where do we go from here? Part 1 (Tanks)

I’m tracking tank frequency to see where things are trending.