New costume resets my character

When I apply the new costume it resets my character to zero. Is this supposed to happen?

Yes you must level the costume also. Its cheaper and uses less materials at least


Yep, not a boost to your existing hero until you max the costume.

Remove the costume and your hero is back where it was. Don’t worry, your hard leveling work isn’t gone :blush:


Check the FAQs for Costumes:


Thought I lost my leveled Bane, but he had costume on.Making all banes level 1
*Be careful dont accidentally use for levelling

Oh the wondrous joys of locking your heroes :rofl:


@littleKAF or @zephyr1 or @Rook. Not a but/issue. Solution provided if it was.

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I marked it solved, thanks!

Do not attempt to use costume on an unleveled hero apparently… have to ascend hero before costume

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Did you read the Costume FAQs?

This is by design & is stated like 3 times in the FAQ’s plus is littered throughout the forum.

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I read them after the fact of course :joy:

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