New Costume event too hard?

I wouldn’t say it’s too hard, but it’s definitely lenghtier which also becomes annoying at some point. Autoplayed through most of it with this team: Freya; c.Elena; Mr.Pengi; Arco; Director Zuri- the counter absolute necessary, they pretty much self kill at first special :laughing:


Agreed. For those whom this new event is easy, upgrading S1 heroes is probably somewhat lower in priority than leveling up KhufuGoseckXnolQuenell, and those who could really use VivicaPlus, yeah good luck with that?

But making the event substantially longer and more difficult while not upping the keys (presumably because keys are “worth more now” or because oOoO tRaInEr hErOeS) seems… chintzy.

I mean, would it have really been too generous to have 15 keys available across the levels? With the usual minuscule summoning odds, giving folks 3 grabs at the brass ring of an upgunned 5* S1 hero instead of 2 doesn’t seem exactly Monty Haul, given the extra time and effort required.


I was crazy to try TP4300 on auto…
If I take control, TP4400 was still OK…

Stage 10… still using minimal items
But man… those slash attacks are scary :frowning:
Which is why I use arrow attacks, missing even 1 in 5 attacks on average seems useful to me…
(arrows are cheap and plentiful)
And it still feels very exhausting :frowning:

Stage 11 (Only using arrow attacks)
Joon missed me one or two times… but one special hit did 1800+ damage to my LB :expressionless: But she survived with boosted health

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If tile gods are not happy… you are toast
(unless folks have some God team, which I don’t? or my be I am too bad at picking a good team)

One could ofc take Tornadoes, to shuffle bad boards…
But so far been trying to avoid expensive items…
Luckily flags are not too expensive, and I won’t mind trying a stage again, if bad boards was the reason to lose


Better tiles… Stage 13 wasn’t bad… same team all along

Risky (if you get bad tiles), but doable so far… one more stage to go

And done… Just need basic items to compensate for bad tiles…

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Come on… This can’t be auto… Auto won’t be using those battle items… :rofl:


It isn’t auto… I tried it upto 4300 (I know I am crazy to even think of trying, but I am also lazy :smiley: ), where it started to fail…
Look at all the pics, after 4300… The auto button is not green / enabled


The first 6 stages are doable on auto… After that not possible… Boss slash attack does 800-900 damage to 5*. Crazy my gosh.


Exactly, and agreed… Most folks are wise to now that…
Don’t pay attention to my failed attempts of laziness :smiley: :smiley:

And to conclude my statement on OPs question…
This event is certainly not for everyone… Yes it’s hard, because many players won’t have necessary at least decent heroes (in some cases Mother North helped with revival and minion shield to absorb damage on top of boosted health, Kalo is harder to kill etc), emblems, LB mats, troops (my troops were the greatest though), battle items or perhaps skills / luck to complete all stages…

Definitely find it too hard. When LB+ 19 proteus and LB+14 Zhabog, with +54% defense boost, are taking 630+ slash damage from bosses only at level 9…

Overheal and minions help, but not everyone has access to that. My best overheal option is Azmia’s passive, followed by bringing two c-Kash.

The only nice thing i have to say is that the event is 3 days… at least I can spread the pain out!

Like, SG, for those of us who have mainly s1 heroes in our rosters, did you really have to make it that much harder to upgrade them? The costume odds are bad enough, now it’s more pain to get the same number of keys lol


I autoed up to 10, but then had to take over on the boss fight due to AI not healing


I finished it, but the damage output is ridiculous. Slash attacks hit for close to 1k on the last stage. My Ludwig is LB+20 emblems and the damage he was taking was crazy… Overhealing was a must for me, given the output damage and i didn’t want to use premium items for it.


As a level 107 player, I can say yes. And it’s not even debatable.

And the fact that it’s this much more difficult and the “rewards” are effectively the same(no, a few trainer heroes isn’t even close to making up the gap).

Just trash.


The fact that it was even supposed to be harder than this version with TP 5500, for essentially no additional rewards