New Battle alliance has open slots!

We’ve recently had some slots open up that need to be filled. We’re a laid back bunch and only require you smash Titans. Three Titan absence rule is in effect. Not very concerned about trophies, so if you’re a fellow cup-dropper you will be most welcome. Currently set to 800 minimum, but will lower if needed.

Current positions available:
Titan Slayer
Short Order cook
Titan Killer
HR Specialist
Titan Smasher

Alliance is open, so drop by if you’re looking for a new home team and check us out! Currently fighting 5/6* Titans, but with a couple more hitters can easily move up to 6/7*

And don’t forget to ask about our nightly beer specials! :beer:

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You might want to mention the name of your alliance, @havok333

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This one?


Oops, I was reading “new battle alliance” as descriptive rather than literally as “New Battle” alliance.

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Well we won’t know till Havok confirms. :grin:

Yeah, I guess I should’ve been a bit more clear. Screenshot from Rook is correct, thank you!

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Still have slots available for Titan hitters, so come on over and grab a piece of this 7* Kraken!

He’s feisty, but those claws go well with drawn butter!

Just search “new battle” in the alliance search.

We still have room for several more Titan hunters.

New Titan begins in 2 hours!

We are currently working on a 6* Titan and would love to fill our last 4 slots. 800+ cups to enter but we do not ask member to maintain any trophy level.