New Alliance Looking For Active Members

Hey guys we are a new alliance looking for members to help us grow, take down titans and win wars

We are an active alliance with a range of different level members

Trophy requirements are currently set at 600

Join abacus today

You can count on us :wink:

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Do you use LIne?

No sorry we don’t use line

Would you guys be interested in a merger? We have 5/6 spots open. Right now we are fighting 8* titans.

I have a few more members to come over from the previous alliance so just waiting to see how many cone over before we consider a merge

If you change your mind… We are a alliance of 3 teams. One is a trainer, main, and a laid back team. We could place everyone. We are trying to build a mid lvl team as well.

Line: ghostnamepbj

We are a brand new alliance looking for members to join and help us achieve greatness

Separated from a former alliance due to lack of participation

Come join us today, no trophy or team power requirements just being active is all we want

Hey guys

Abacus is a fairly new alliance with 15 active members looking for more members or a small alliance to merge with us

We are just about to start hitting 5* titans and want to grow stronger together and get as high as possible

Only rules we have are hit the titan and use your war flags if you are participating in wars

Don’t have to be super chatty but plenty of awesome people in here if you do want a chinwag

So join abacus today

You can count on us

Abacus is a fairly new alliance who are currently battling 6* titans and 3/3 war wins

We have 15 spaces available for members or a small alliance to join us

Just hit the titan and use your flags in the war if you are participating, they are our only rules

Hope to see you all soon

FYI… You can only have one alliance recruitment thread per alliance.

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A few other players and myself are looking for a new alliance. I’m not sure how many just yet but we are active players. We hit titans and use all flags if participating in wars.

Join a fresh, fun and highly supportive alliance. Grow with us!
Join McWarriorLu !
If you’re upbeat and team oriented, we want you no matter what level. Join us!

Come and join us at abacus. We currently have 15 spaces available and just started taking down 6* titans

Hey guys abacus is looking for 6 members to help us progress. We are currently defeating 6/7* titans and looking to move on to bigger and better things but we need your help. No requirements other than using your flags on titans and in wars if you opt in

Hope to see you soon over in abacus

Hullo Abacus - please bump your existing topic rather than keep creating new ones :slightly_smiling_face: