New! All Updated Hero Rosters (including costumed heroes, trainer heroes and family bonuses)

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Thank you very much, bro! :smiley:

I seem to have different stats on my Cabin Boy Pā€¦ ohā€¦ also he seems to just be called Peters now.

Pow. 648
Att. 643
Def. 641
Hea. 1113

The full name is visible on the card; itā€™s just Peters on the thumbnail. But youā€™re right, the stats in the table are wrong.

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Thanks Kerridoc, I will correct it right away.

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Thank you for doing this and thanks to all the ones who have gathered the information together! This is very helpful.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Your advice on making a team?

3 posts were split to a new topic: Interested in helping with wiki

Thanks for all your work here

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So when are the celestials of light and and fire going to come out?

Is it posible to download as a spreadsheet?
This is so usefull, but I need it i a spreadsheet and i donā€™t want to copy all the data if it is already in one, like Artemis did long agoā€¦

Thanks for your great work

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Actually, Iā€™m considering getting some help updating the old Artemis Appendix, or having Pois consider doing an alternate version with a different colour scheme. Iā€™ve had someone make that request because they have impaired vision, and it would help.

What is your desire for a spreadsheet? It might help make up my mind to put together a couple volunteers. Iā€™m the owner of that page. Iā€™d discontinued updating it when Pois made these lovely summaries!


Wow! Love this!! Thank you!

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Maybe this helps:


I use the spreadsheet to know which heroes to level, to give advices to my aliance. But the old spreadsheet doesnā€™t have all the heroes of the month event heroes, and wonā€™t have season 2 heroes

With season 2 heroes the spreadsheet will be very very useful.

Well, the images in the first post of this thread are downloadable. And Pois has been amazing about adding heroes as they are released, so Iā€™d expect the Atlantean heroes to be added, or given their own jpg.

With such a good reference already available, Iā€™ll likely be more focused on the wiki and the Compendium. If you would like to update the old Artemis Appendix, I could set up the formatting for you (why reinvent the wheel) and it could be made available to other players as well. (for download, or to manipulate if thereā€™s challenges with impaired vision.)

Let me know!


Indeed, the new 18 heroes will be added on the first day of Season 2. I have already prepared the sheets. New heroes will be added to existing rosters.


Thank you, but a jpg is not the same as an excel.

I canā€™t filter, I canā€™t make operations to calculate ratios of attack, defense, filter heroes with more than 750 in defense, and so onā€¦

Of course I can do everything manually, bit itā€™s not the same.

I agree that jpg is ascetically astonishing, but worse for calculations

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Create your own spreadsheet from the data in the pictures then.

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The charts you make are awesome

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