New all-female alliance

The XXX family has started it’s 4th alliance The Kinky XXX. We believe that female players are amazing and make the game much more enjoyable. So in an effort to get more “ladies” into our overall group we are making our new training alliance for female players only. We are also active on Line app including a training group with a beginner player’s guide. Join The Kinky XXX Today!!!

Interesting idea…just wondering how you know if people are women?

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Their name and avatar are the first hurdle. Once we accept a new player they are asked to confirm that they are female and over 18 (we are an adult group of alliances). We have had a couple of players that were “found out” and kicked and 1 that admitted it and was moved to one of our other alliances

My account was ‘doctored’ by one of the kids…so now I have to keep explaining that I’m not a girl…

Sorry, doesn’t help your recruitment, was just interested if there was a way of easily identifying gender in game!

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We have an international player with a name that could be male or female. Their profile picture was a non-gender creature. After many weeks of me referring to “him”, one day the profile picture was changed to Sonya. Oops, I got the hint :yum:


Remember Internet Rule 30: There are NO girls on the Internet! :grin:

(“Ignore the rule at your peril…!”)


If that where a all male alliance doing this it would be considered discrimination. Funny that hey


I’m making a californians only alliance. HAH


Lol why not. You will need to sak fir proof of address as well

Get them to post a copy of thier licience o the fourn here. Lol

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What about a female identifying as a male?.. Asking for a friend…

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Exactly, it’s the internet anyone can be anyone they want including gender.

These female alliences must base it on how much you can gossip to know if you are or

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I may of been the only one noticing but what drove me away from the in game chat rooms is all the “guess if I’m a boy or a girl” that is one of two people in my belief. A immature child who is going to find out way more about life then they bargained for or an adult who needs to be locked in a cage and drop that cage somewhere in the middle of the jungle. My point is I can understand why you would be looking to create this kind of alliance but there is no way to filter the girls, little boys, and most importantly a real life predator. In my opinion this topic needs to be deleted and trashed. Only the possibility of something happening should be enough to think about that… Wait… Alliance is kinkyxxx…hmmmm. Anyways if you’re not a predator, or curious little boy yourself, I suggest if you want something like this happening you need to recruit through your other alliances. These are strangers already but maybe taking that kind of time will detour the wrong kind of people. I really hope I’m over reacting and just protective over my own two daughters and hope guys like me are around to tell people how bad of a idea this is.


Exactly my point. Gender should come into it thus ridding these cslling for specific gender alliances not forgetting that legally these days gender specific requests are illegal in most countries.

I also am a father of both genders and zi teach my kids unless it’s to do with heavy lifting all other aspects of life are equal especially those of the mind.

So bottom line is, advertising that ur alliance is only accepts specific gender only should not be allowed and thus the request removed.

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We take people at their word. If someone identifies as trans or non-binary they are welcome.
Illegal? We are not hiring people…we are offering an alternative to the typical alliances found here. Alliances typically dominated by male players.
Those of you asking that this post be removed are taking this waaaaaay too serious. This is a game. This is one of tens of thousands of alliances within that game. This is not the major social issue that you want to turn it into.
Find something better to do with your time…Seriously.


I have found in my 48 years that people project their own traits onto others. Good people generally assume that others are good like them and are generally trusting. Shady people assume that others are like them and generally distrust people.
What does the fact that you imply that I am a “predator” say about you…Chris?
I am betting my doing the same thing to you bothers you, right?
It is funny that a couple of men who are part of the privileged gender feel so threatened by an all female alliance. Y’all need to worry about yourselves and stop trying to tell others how to be.

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Maybe it’s because I’m older, or a female, but I found your wanting an all-female alliance to be perfectly innocent and exactly what you stated. Women like to chat, and generally about subjects that have no interest to men. Myself, I prefer a mixed alliance but see no problem advertising for certain “traits”.

Actually it doesn’t bother me one bit. In my city last week a 16 year old boy found himself behind bars for following to younger girls into the bathroom at a grocery store. If more people had that concern or new what the world really is today things like this wouldn’t be happening. Its not a general distrust in people and if you believe the threat is not real you are blind. I’m all for your girls only alliance but this just seems to be the wrong way to advertise it. You must already have a great alliance for this to not be your first. You really should screen through your first. This will be my last post because every time someone adds to it it goes right back to the top so I hope the best for your alliance and for everyone in it.

I’m thinking of starting an alliance for cat lovers. My current alliance isn’t interested in hearing about my cat’s wonderful antics :smiley:

And before all you dog lovers take offense, YES, I love dogs too. I just prefer my kids to own them, so just like grandchildren, I get all the benefits without the maintenance.


I like cats too (my parents has them), and this just made me smile.

Hi guys. Please remember to keep things constructive and civilized.

Please read Forum Rules when in doubt what that means. :slight_smile:

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