Nerfing Telluria (Mar 2020 HOTM) ---> POLL IN POST #2; [Staff Comment Post #1445 & #4422]

Without a good board, he will be useless against telluria even at avg speed.

Khagan needs a Flash costume to become at least average. :wink:


Average speed is not what I suggested in the post you replied to.

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Then don’t read them. Problem solved for you.

You forgot Telluria can’t have minions removed. Laughs at how useless Grimble is.

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Grimble removes all minions from all other enemies. He definitely is useful even against a Telly team.


Well, when she tanks her minions usually die from tiles before Grimble can fire anyway, IF he’s not dead before he fires.

Yes, they made Telly ideal in lots of ways and that was one. Paladin class was the other.

I do not have much problem with her running a 3-2 consisting of Grazul (Pesky Red hat dude becomes useless), Mistuko (kill those pesky Velas), Anzogh (Mana resit), Khiona, Seshat. But I can see her being pretty OP, nerf no, but pesky for sure. And obv OP if people are holding top 10 being logged off for hours. No other hero, even Guin will hold you up there in top 100 that long. So she might be the best tank ATM in this game. OP yes, nerf needed, No.


Stopped raiding Telluria. No point. Of course T can be beaten. Any team can be beaten with a good board. Can beat top 10 Telluria team with a team of Namahages with a good board.

I have Telluria, so stop with the, you think it’s op because you don’t have it, nonsense.

SG created a tank that can’t be beaten with anything but a good board. Totally bored of the try.

Yada yada yada… “I’m not using the right team.” Glad you’ve had a run of good luck so far when you raid T. It won’t last.

Numbers don’t lie. Small Giant messed up in a major way. E-mail from Inside SG suss this out. Cat’s about out of the bag.

Cue the SG sycophant’s conditioned responses in 3, 2, 1…


Wowsers there’s a lot of passion in this thread! Take deep breaths my friends!

Telluria hasn’t been around long enough to make the call. She’s still the shiny new toy, and I think that accounts for some of her appearing so often in top teams right now. There will be new shiny toys again, and the meta will adjust.

Also since she’s still new, I think a lot of players need more time to think of the best way to beat her, or even level up a hero that comes out just for her.

I’ve found her very tough to beat, but that’s already how it was for tanks over 2600 cups. I’m glad to see a newcomer.

Pointing out that comments are continually snide and contain no substance Ist verboten!!!

But by all means continue to make snide and derisive comments. It’s good for the community.

I totally agree with u @Raghadorn.

Telluria is new and he is strong. Very strong; I have to agree with you in that way.

But: Guin by example still is a very successful hero and she is there for almost two years, I think. People have had a long time to figure out how to beat her and to level counter heroes against Guin. Why don’t we give Telluria at least a few month before complaining? Why not try to enjoy that there finally is a strong tank in green?

Let’s first find heroes to beat Telluria. It does not have to be the average red team (by example my best team against Ursena/Kunchen-Tanks is mono purple). Let’s talk again in a few month or half a year (because it takes a long time to level a few new heroes!).

You are absolutely wrong @JU5T_M4RK. You say: numbers don’t lie? Here are the numbers:

I fill 2-3 PvP chests every day. Usually I have a team that beats all other teams in more than 90% of my battles. Jay! :smiley: Against Telluria I currently win 60-80%, which is less than against the other tanks. Ok, so far he is strong and I am not that good prepared like I am against all this purple and yellow tanks. But I will be in a few month, don’t u worry. And then I will again win more than 90% of my battles against Telluria, too.

So, please stop crying. Be happy that there is a new challenge in this game! Winning almost all the raids with the same team is so incredibly boring as it is effective, so I am glad that there is a new task to master now. Thank you SG! :slight_smile:


This is false. People haven’t figured out how to beat Guinevere, heroes were created to stop/resist her. Take away Victor, Kage, Seshat, Proteus and look what you have left to defeat her and that is in her weak color. Guinevere didn’t lose her luster, other heroes were created that could help kill her. If this trend holds true, SG will create heroes, in time, to counter Telluria.


On my main account I’ve gone back to a Kunchen tank. It holds better for me than Telluria. Why? Because of my support heroes and my green mana troop level. I don’t have the superpower A+ flanks and corners. You could he using a Li Xiu tank with the rest of the team Finley, Ursena, Gravemaker, Kingston… or Jabber, Vela, Grave, Kingston… all stacked with level 30 mana troops…

So it’s really not Telluria herself that’s overpowered. It’s synergies with certain support heroes and high level troops, as well as the general power creep and mana speed meta. Maybe we are pointing the finger at the wrong problem.

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unless you have BK next to Telly, then Grimble is, as always, as useless as Gobbler or whatever his name is lol :goat: :slightly_frowning_face:

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Telly is not OP…Telly is new, and like most new heroes people, myself included, struggle to beat them. Newly released heroes come with an SG Grading Scale, but they do not come with guides on how to use them or how to beat them. Part of the fun is figuring out how to use them AND how to defeat them. (Many people do not like Freya, but those that have figured out her best use LOVE her, same with Fenrir). I myself struggled against Telly and lost many raids until I figured out the best team to nullify her strengths with my strengths. People struggled the same against Ursena, Guin, etc. They never nerfed them, because people figured out how to use existing and new heroes to their advantage.

These monthly “Nerf So and So” threads are head shaking. Some people will think I am gas-lighting with this statement but I sincerely believe it. “Stop begging SG to make a hero you struggle with easier for YOU, and figure out the best heroes on YOUR team to beat them.” Even if it means ascending someone you hadn’t thought of. Once you do that it becomes fun to defeat them.


Again, this is wrong. Guin was nerfed after she was released from beta because she was released over powered. Many people agree that Ursena has the same issue. She was released from beta too strong.

Guin has not lost her power, other heroes were created to counter her. Did you know that Kage and Mitsuko were originally switched as far as their colors go? Beta argued that Mitsuko as purple, with Ursena’s reflect ability against yellow would be too strong paired with Guin tanks, so they swapped Kage and Mitsuko’s colors. Team synergy has always been a thing which is why they didn’t make MN an ice hero (something someone had to clear up for me) so that she couldn’t be paired with Alberich and so she would have the same weaknesses.

What they have done (or haven’t) was take these past few HotM synergies into account, creating a tank too powerful for the player base to realistically and consistently defeat. No other HotM combo has ever been created in this game, ever, and it’s anchor is Telluria. Telluria is the problem in this equation, so let’s fix her.


Just make Grimble very fast lol


That’s what I said.

Yes, as you said “IN BETA” which is where those changes are and should be made

Bottom line people need to stop whining about every hero and learn how to beat them and use them. (Go through the forums and look at how many “HERO A is OP” threads there are…its amusing) I figured Telluria out, most people at the top of the Cup Boards have figured her out, most others can too. If someone cannot consistently beat Telluria when raids are tilted toward the offense, then they are using wrong heroes or playing wrong…or having just a horrible string of bad boards.

but i’m a noob so what do i know, take my words with a grain of salt.