Nerfing Telluria (Mar 2020 HOTM) ---> POLL IN POST #2; [Staff Comment Post #1445 & #4422]

Lol a biased as hell sarcastic response is considered good effort?

For me it’s typically a flag…

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Should I? :rofl: :wink:

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I think we’ve read the tone very differently


Go for it lol


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GM/Telly/Vela war defense Is equivalent to SG first world problems! Our mid-ranked alliance hasn’t seen a single telluria tank in war.

My attempt to make it slightly less biased.

Take out the ‘big spenders’, there’s plenty of long term players that are on a modest budget (c2p) in the top and even a handful of f2p.

From what I’m getting it’s the combination of all Telluria’s specials at average manaspeed that make her overpowered. There’s been several suggestions made to balance her out.

This makes top players look lazy and entitled. It’s not so much annoying as there just aren’t enough counters.

The people in the top 100 couldn’t care less about the leaderboard. That thing has lost it’s value years ago. Once you hit #1 once, you just raid to fill chests and cup count doesn’t mean anything. (I might be wrong on this one, but this is the general feeling I’m getting at the top)

It’s not just about the trifecta, it’s about Telluria as a tank alone mainly. Eventually, Telluria tanks will trickle down to more casual alliances. It might just take a little longer as people might not have the resources ready.

But also some of the best: Kingston, Eve, Zeline and Lianna are some of the stronger/most useful heroes in the game.


You may not have seen one yet, but it’ll happen, trust me.


100% agreed…20 agreements.



20 chars…


Yay and to top it all we now have a nerf Malosi thread.
Just remind me who are the next three HOTM. Should we start the threads now?


It’s hard it’s difficult, but I don’t want to start nerffing heroes all the time, they did that to JF, before to Aegir so what’s the conclusion ? Let’s find solutions by using better organized teams but don’t touch the heroes, finally this game back some excitement again, till Tell was released game was bored as …uk, now everyone try to find the way to kill that beast, scores are lower on a wars and now chances r bigger for everyone, in my opinion just give some more heroes who can counter Telli and everybody will be happy again,mostly is not about TCat is about her flanks which kill U, Best Regards from the North


Sad day when all these people can’t see how unbalanced the game is sitting currently because they got theirs. I also don’t believe any of these I beat telluria 90% of the time bs posts.

Even pushed to slow telluria would be a top tank.

This is still the very early in the age of telluria. Wait until every else gets their tonics ovet the next few months.

So be it. See how your I beat telluria with a garbage purple team once a long time ago turns out.

@TheChef tried his best to warn you guys and you snubbed him.


I have now officially given up fighting the good fight though. After seeing the Nerf Malosi thread I realised that I really shouldn’t bother.

People only want to protect their own investment :heavy_dollar_sign::heavy_dollar_sign::heavy_dollar_sign: and couldn’t care less about a healthy balanced game.


I feel yah man. I gave up on being rational here a long time ago.

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To be very honest, I don’t think anyone was snubbed. And I certainly didn’t and wouldn’t snub @TheChef.
Players will always have different opinions on both a game and in this case some of the heroes.
I have two x Telluria one on max and one sat at 1/1.
For raids he/she is my Tank and yes I get attacked and beaten and lose trophies each night. By both higher strength teams and lower strength teams. It’s how it goes and nothing has changed for me - I still sit between 2400 and 2550 trophies.
For war he/she is my Tank - and yes I get defeated in war by other teams. Sometimes twice for resets.
And … I did take on a Telluria tank with four other 5 star heroes in last weekends war with a relatively low strength mono purple team (just 2 x 5 star - Quintus and Domitia) and yes I defeated a strong team quite easily.
And that’s not me snubbing you - it’s just how it is for me.
I wish you well. Stay safe and healthy

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Well if they are as broke as telluria, I am all for it. Start them up.

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Agreeing with the agreeing!

Lol this thread keeps gettin better…

But i am glad to see more long term players with sense addin their cents to the conversation

Seemed pretty 1 sided for a bit between noobs and vets…

Once someone says “she’s the same as delilah”…it’s hard not to lose hope for a discussion amongst actual knowledgeable players…

@DerricSYG @TheChef @GOON18



So anyone who disagrees with your opinion is a noob, right? Clap for yourself, you’ve clearly won the argument LOL!

Lol if you can’t read this thread and figure out for yourself who knows what they’re talkin about and who doesn’t then yes you are a noob in one way or another

I said nothin about agreement, i just mentioned the type of contributions i see to the conversation

You interpreted as agreement/disagreement due to being offended at the drop of a hat. Low self esteem if i had to guess.

@Uclapack made a vid takin on telluria and I’m guessing doesn’t feel she should be nerfed

@Ender_BattleSchool same thing

And I’m sure there are others that i feel would have informed reasons for their opinions and in no way i would call them a noob. And not even just because of the time they’ve put into the game. But because of the knowledge they have about the game.

Same with @TheChef and @DerricSYG . We’re still not exactly on the same page with telluria.

I’m fine if she doesn’t get nerfed. I can also see why people feel she should be nerfed and have tossed up examples of reasonable nerfs above. AND yes; i do see why people feel she shouldn’t be nerfed. some have provided logical reasons. We did face yellow tanks for a long time. Purple tanks in the mix for the past year. So a breath of fresh air at breaking up that 1/2 raid options makes sense. Someone feeling telluria isn’t too strong and the game just hasn’t made the full adjustment yet to dealing with her but will in due time, ok yea i can see that. Etc.

But when someone pipes up with “her and delilah are twins, i dont see an issue” or “i beat her twice today, she’s fine” or whatever other bs has been posted above…yea definitely noobs regardless of how long they’ve been at it