Nerf Xnolphod

Using holy against Ursena was a complete gamble on if you get tiles before she charges, so you could argue holy was rather useless during her reign.

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But Ursena didn’t charge the rest of the heroes, they attacked when they were supposed to do according to their speed, and besides she didn’t made dark or yellow heroes slower and unuseful. I have succeed most of the times against Ursena tanks using dark heroes, she didn’t changed the tiles needed to charge my heroes.

How to defeat a hero? Give us the receipt to defeat xnophold other than pray for yellow tiles.

before all the but’s have you read the previous post? sorry dude if you do not do you work I wont waste my time, no offense but you have show so far that it is not worth it reasoning with you and not willing to learn just complain

Correct, the mana gain is a pain… this aspect is just increasing in the game though. Ludwig, Sif costume, Milena.

I don’t expect Xnolpod to be nerfed, but I do expect something more annoying to replace in the meta. Super strong tanks seem to last around a year, so we’ll see if a few months what comes… SGG will give us a solution maybe in a different color? Purple seems to be holding this spot for much of my whole play time (3.5 years, about 6ish months of Telly til Bera).

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No nerf needed. Thank you


nerfs are what leads more and more to fewer viable options.
the meta shifts normally with time and new heroes.

whenever something good and viable emerges, nerfing it kills diversity. we need to learn from history here.

guinevere nerfed => yellow tanks options disappeared

telluria destroyed => green tanks option isn’t valid anymore

ferant nerfed => red tanks options disappeared

if they are all back to their prime, you’ll have more tank diversity. everything good got nerfed only purple is competitively viable.

xnolphod isn’t a problem. someone new will shine after him


With the exception of the first one, Guinevere. She wasn’t stopped from my memory until the introduction of seshat. That was the final nail in the coffin.

xnol has its own time, soon he will be replaced by other OP tank. The most income comes from OP hero where people spending like crazy just to obtain 1 particular hero with very small percentage chance, that’s the way SG makes money.

nerfing OP hero where only small percentage of (rich) people own it among million players, will make the rich as loyal spender become angry, and of course SG doesn’t want to kick out its honey pot.

We play the game, but SG plays us. in the end this is just a business of making money. we need to understand that.

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people will forget how OP xnol right now the day when SG creates a fast hero that increases 30% mana and then will be replaced by another very fast hero that increases 40% mana. Got the point?

ordinary and regular heroes don’t generate much money, only 1 or 2 special hard to obtain hero that brings super income for SG, that’s why SG will always make a “luxury OP car” to fill their treasuries. kachiing… :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:

Don’t forget that fast hero giving Mana will also cut the enemies Mana lol and make Mana cutting minions.

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Xnolphod was already nerfed down to+20% mana.

Ludwig is more dangerous if he fires, he REALLY gives his nearby heroes a mana boost, protection and potentially a solid heal. Lose to him much more than Xnolphod.

More gonzo heroes are coming,the cycle of dominance is so short, why worry today when tomorrow it will be another? Guin lasted ages (a year? longer?), now it is mere months before the counter is released.

I raid 3-2 dark/holy and win most of my raids vs Xnolphod. If he is surrounded by slow heroes make the early matches up the sides, away from him. It doesn’t always work but NO strategy is foolproof, rubbish boards are rubbish boards and eat the loss.

Question… When was xnolopod ever nerfed? If it was in beta they were never actually nerfed, I don’t see him included in any balance updates looking through.

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I’ve turned a new leaf, no more nerfs!!!

Throw all the heroes you want at me SG and I will anihilate them all! Aaaaaargh!

Nerfers as a rule do not have the hero they want nerfed.


I have two Xnolphod and believe he does too much at average speed.

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I have three things against this:

  1. Every nerf destroys the trust of those players who have the nerfed hero, the more items and mats they used the more they get alienated from the game. Frequent nerfs are very bad for the longevity of this game.

  2. Xnol is not the problem, he is only dangerous in a team with several very heavy hitters, especially Khufu or Penolite or Sobek. Nerf Xnol and Ludwig will take his place.

  3. We have counters, Rhys is the first one, it would be good if they would design a litte less capable counter as a HotM. That would shake the meta up, creates revenue and preserves the players trust.

Happy gaming


Nerf this damn hero already.
He is op…

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There was no receipt to beat any hero. Depend on your roster. If you are only having strong purple, then it is hard to beat Xno, agreed. But do you have any mana control/cut hero such as Faline, Gretel, Hansel, which is fast and can cast spell on Xno before he fire? In this game, the board are important, not for any particular color, in a bad day, any color will be losing for a weaker team.

good morning everyone, xnophold in my opinion should not be nerfed, as a curator he does not care much, he does not take away negative statuses, he only gives a boost (not too much) to the heroes of his team, so all this pressure on the nerve should not exist, I do it with heroes of all colors (always permattendo boards), combining him with some hero with mana bust is more difficult, but by putting the right heroes you can easily defeat.