Nerf fortuna asap

I started skipping many summons. Why? Because when i think im pulling a game changer they get nerfed everytime. I purposely did not chase fortuna with her insane draw odds for this very reason.

I just chased fortuna teams in raids and lost 7/8 of my fights. Here is the mostly vf team i used.

Anyone who understands vf with high mana troops and victors refresh ailment and def drop understands this team is no joke. It rarely looses any fight. But to loose 7 straight??? WOW!

This has been a repeat pattern with my best team when facing fortuna with other op heros. I can handle ALL other op heros. But when you add in fortuna its game over.

Never have i agreed with your nerfs. Never have i struggled as in game messages state. But with specific fortuna teams its impossible. I will never attack mono and pray i win. I always hit strategicall and fortuna when mixed with specific heros becomes beyond op.

Please, NERF fortuna to hades and back. Shes a deal breaker for me. It speaks so much towards pay to win mentality. A minor nerf is not going to help either.

She got a big nerf before release, currently she is not that strong. As per the 2023 sneak peak mostly they will add the masquerade hero passive of color change back when the portal opens. If they add that Jove and fortuna can destroy the entire team.

To be clear:

You do mean this hero…


(To think, people were calling her underpowered within hours of her release lol)

Well, if you’re really struggling vs this hero, and I had to take a gander on what your problem may be…

You don’t have any immediate buffs past your healer, so can’t be her priority dispel that’s causing you issues.

Her damage is quite negligible, especially compared to the latest AoE 5* heroes released nowadays, so that’s not it.

So it’s either a culmination of SS - specifically paired with several other OP heroes, that’s causing your problem (and then, that is not really Fortuna’s fault) or it’s…

Having only one healer - slow at that - vs fiends?

Now that is probably it. As, without a heal, that’s a perma-attack debuff on all your heroes. Stacked up to three times, and even if C. Heimdall fires, by then, he can’t save ya. But really, her fiends aren’t that strong (HP wise), so it wouldn’t take an insane healer to deal with em before they’re outta hand… But to do that? Ya def need more heal than what you’ve got (faster, too).

Personally, I think SG have created a lot of OP 5* problems recently, but if ya ask me…

Fortuna ain’t one :sunglasses:


I’ll explain why you lost. Your team lack the firepower to kill the opponents in 1 turn. If you used a fast or avg speed team that can guarantee kill the opponents, you would not have lost that much. Because you could kill her before she cast.

Remember, the more tiles you move, the more mana you give to the opponents. Defense heroes have higher att and defense than you. Dragging the match longer is why you lost.

U need to change ur team a bit….

So you use one team for the majority of your raids. You find that there is a hero that you struggle against and instead of changing your team to combat that hero you insist on a nerf?? Wow… Just wow. I hope you don’t use that attitude for day to day life

My advice is the same as you have been given. Try changing up your team

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm: :wolf: