Neptune’s Raft has one spot left. We are a friendly and active group. Currently working on 9 star titans. Great mix of experienced and intermediate players and our elders love to help. We are knocking on the door of 10 star titans, will you be the add that puts us over the top? We also have a Discord channel. Come hop on the raft today!
Two spots open, one for you and your friend. Come hop on our raft today and float through the E&P seas with us. We are hitting 9 and 10 star titans and have a very informative and active discord channel. That 10 star kraken got the best of us today, but with your help he will feel the full might of Neptune’s Wrath (err Raft) tomorrow!
Neptune’s raft has 3 open slots that need to be filled 1800 trophies required must be active. We normally fight 9-10 star Titans. Hitting the Titan is a must, wat is up to you but if you opt in you must use all 6 flags. We have a Discord channel packed full of information. We are a friendly group that helps everyone grow. Come jump on the raft and float along with us…
Fantastic crew - by far the most supportive and fun alliance I’ve been a part of.