
se/empiresandpuzzlesrpgwiki/intro/base/forges/minormana.jpg?attredirects=0) Minor mana potion

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I use axes, bombs, dragon attack and mana potions exclusively on events

Tornados, timestops I use exclusively for 11 and 12 star titans.

Scrolls I only bring to rare quests that require 4k tp



Really? You gave 11* and 12* titans and need revival scrolls on rare events? Seems odd.

For events I always use mana/healing and antidote (the big ones) and revive scroll for all stages except the final one with three bosses.

For the final one I use dragon, bomb, axe and super mana potion.

For rare titans time stop and tornado

On average in use 2 scrols a month. Bringing them doesnt mean i am burning through them.

If your heroes dont get one shot healing is enough on those titans

20 chars…

This one is rather easy to answer. Last 2 stages i use the biggest manna with dragon attack, bomb attack, axes and biiiiiiig manna potions.

Last stage: take care all heroes are max health (so take healer), you got as many diamonds as possible and first fire half of your bombs etc. then your heroes, then your diamonds, then the rest of your bombs, then max your heroes to fire their specials again and then you should have done enough to finish off. :smiley:

