Need some input/help again for my next heroes

Sooo it’s been 2 or 3 month since I asked for tips, and my roster is growing and growing :slight_smile:

So for now, it looks like this:

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So I’m going to finish Grimm, jackal and falcon and I got my first rigard from tc20 and he will be my first cleanser, really need that!

For green I am finishing melendor costume cause I love it :slight_smile:

My biggest problem atm are asc materials, I only got 3 gloves, so I want to use them wisely…

One is reserved for rigard, and the rest?
I feel like buddy would be nice to have, since he is a green def down hero and overall a nice tank…

I use Scarlett a lot for raids, i guess she would also fit for event quests and tile dmg overall

The rest of my 3.60 4* isn’t used much at all and I feel like I should start with my first 5*, even tho I don’t have any of the tc20 “must haves”

Anyway, I’ll take any input I can get, ascending materials for the 5* I got, at least for one for every colour, but I’m short on gloves

Ty guys! :slight_smile:

Note that the 5s need gloves too. I didn’t see any at 3/60, so don’t forget them.

One bump, maybe some input now :x

Nice progress :+1: Yeah rigard and scarlet and buddy would be good choices.
If your low on materials you can always do some costumes or other 3* you have there. As you be only be Albe to take 5* to 2/60 and you be using more food.

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Thanks, so I’m going for more 4* :slight_smile:

Well food isn’t really a problem for me, it’s more about recruits / asc materials

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Gafar is worth finishing at some point also boril makes a good tank aswell when emblemed. You lacking yellow so am I.
Best for free mats is challenge events and challenge quests.
Recuits is best to get form atlantis, I don’t have to farm for training camps until next atlantis as they running non stop, can just farm for backpacks if nothing else going on.

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Ok thanks for the input, yeah I do get lots of recruits during AR, but I can’t fill my 2 tc20 for 30 days during the event, should use more flasks I guess

BTW, my alliance is running blue tanks and I want to start with Richard or Thorne after Grimm, what’s the better choice?


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Honestly I’d do boril as it a easy to max cheap to emblem boril holds he own. Riposte is a pain sure can can be dispeled but your stage in the game, I wouldnt think about 5* at the moment I’d say Richard is better than Thorne though.
Also if you do choose boril and want to emblem take health path for riposte hero’s.


Ok I see your point! At what time about would you start with 5s then?

Usually about 3-4x 4* maxed in each color… then start a 5*.
I can see you have already 3x 4* maxed. But I think it is worth to wait a while before start a 5*.
Specially Boril, he is great additional for raid, war, and Season II Boss Ursena Hard Mode.


I didnt start on a 5* till about 8 months of playing, I had the mats to do it, was comfortable with completing rare and epic events with my rosta had training camps running.
I still level 4* and 3* now they still very useful.

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