Need help...which the best order to ascend?

Obviously you several ahead of others… Many good pics in here.

If it were me I would go this route…

  1. KING Quick Description click here: Hero choice - #13 by Razor

  2. Lianna (FAST and hits hard with 512% damage @729 attack)

  • comparing cards Gregorian looks better, cards for me just don’t equate to performance - more a guideline

Lianna Fast - NO SPECIAL. Speed can be a major factor.
Greg Avg - Greg does (critical for ALL allies - can be big and and link +5/+5). - He would clash with Ares - so keep that in mind… not the end of the world.

I have Greg 4/80 - still determining… Either of these 2 are solid choices - you can not go wrong. I’d rather face Greg than Lianna with my primary offensive team, I just do better against him.

  1. Hel (I have her - (well 2) one of my favs more so now because she was my first - Fair damage, extra against Holy, love the 3/3 no mana - it can all be dispelled though - making her just a hit 3 at that point) If your opponents don’t have buff removal or ability to mess with your accuracy - than she’s great!

By the time you get to here you may have someone else that interests you more…

Out of the remaining 3:
Justice (the -accuracy and apply’s to special skills can really mess a team up),
Azlar (strong attack with a hit all and slow burn following - can be deadly if your opponent doesn’t have Fast/Hit Hard heroes and its dragging out).
Ares still rated A/A+ (its long overdue for that to be notched down a bit I think given the newer heroes we have out there - I’ve had him since he first came out - he does well in the middle because he can take a hit from ANY of the big guns! His special is combo’d really really well (+Attack +Critical +Regen 720HP - he often keeps his neighbors alive when they wouldn’t otherwise and they also share in the other +'s) You can move him into the flank as well.

Of those 3 - I would go with Ares.

Not a fan of Leo - but you already ascended him to level 4 - guy was a C till he got ‘balanced’ now a solid B.

So you would have Lianna or Greg, Leonidas, Ares, Hel, King Decent!