Need help regarding my defense

Which one you think is better defense? Or maybe some third option with these heroes? They will all soon have 18 talents.
I’m also thinking of stripping talents from Lianna and giving them to Gefjon.

I like first option, Garnet on tank positiona with fast attackers is good combo


Garnet is a 100% more fearful tank, so #1. Do you have emblems ready for Jabberwocky? Use another purple until he’s maxed. Cheers!

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To have an effective defense, the heroes set therein must be the best at that they do at defense and that your defending heroes must be fully or highly emblemed. Otherwise, they might as well be sitting ducks.

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He will have 18 talents as soon as a max him. Till then i’m using Kunchen.

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I’m inclined to suggest the first team, only with Vela instead of Magni

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Perfect. Move Kunch to the flank and Posiedon to the wing until Jabber is ripe.

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I was thinking this too but it’s all a matter of preferance. I have Mitsuko so I like any Blue but Ariel or Raffael.