Need help choosing a team for raiding and wars

Trying to decide who to level for a raiding team. Guides have been helpful but still not sure, especially when it comes to weaker 5* v strong 4* my heroes are below

Raid and war teams are hard to respond to as they change constantly depending on defence team.

You need a good variety of heroes and several of each colour if you stack. Max levelling a 4* is far quicker than a 5* so most people concentrate there first to develop a good base team/s before moving on to their 5* heroes.

Special skills also play a part, ideally you want defence and attack buffer to help your team, defence debuffer to make the enemy easier to kill, healer, mana control, sniper and/or splash damage heroes. A hero like kiril or boldtusk fits several of the categories.

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Any suggestions for defense?