Need advice with new heroes

I’m a reasonably new player with some luck in my pulls.
Stronghold level 17 will be completed next saturday.

I recently have:

Grimm 4/70 +3
Skittleskull 3/60
Kasshrek 3/60
Kelile 3/60
Wu Kong 3/55
Hawkmoon 3/50
Valen 3/50
Oberon 3/50
Bane 3/50 +1
Melia 3/50 +7
Nahamage 3/50
Balthazar 3/50
Tyrum 3/50
Nashgar 3/50
Layla 2/40 (Yes, I loved her from the start.)

currently levelling
Ulmer 3/1
Gunnar 2/1
Gan Ju 3/18
Berden 3/5
Gill-Ra 3/1
Grazul 1/33

And then I got this massive pull at last atlantis, that i honestly don’t really know how to proceed:
Kelile #2, Wilbur, Wilbur #2, Tiburtus, Danzaburo, Gato, Mnesseus, Mnesseus#2, Thorne, Nahamage#2 + #3, Wu Kong#2, Gormek aaaaand Kingston… They are all still at 1/1

Oh, Prisca, Friar Tuck, Jahangir, Bane#2 and Bane#3 are also sitting at level 1/1

Which ones would you recommend to level next?
What to do with all the duplicates?

Also I have AM for one green hero - I would bring Skittle to 4/1. Or is it better to keep them for Kingston??

Thanks for your advice.

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Wilbur should vault to the front of your leveling queue as he is one of the best heroes for all facets of the game, especially for a developing player.

Wu Kong is most effective as an attack buffer for titans. Gormek and Tiburtus are Fire & Dark versions of Grimm so they are good to have when you’re up against nature enemies.

Generally speaking it is better to flesh out a full deep bench than immediately going to level a shiny new 5* but I would save AM for Kingston as he is one of the better HotM.


You have a lack of healers, so I would bring Grazul at least to 3/70. I’d not give Skittles the mats, she’s not the best 4* green, keep them for Kingston.

I’d level the new 4* up to 3/60, with focus on unique heroes, except for Wilbur maybe. Then I’d see if some healers have found the way to the bench and focus on them…if not or after that I’d max out the best ones: healers, Wu Kong, Wilbur, Tibs, Gormek, Kelile…

I’d level a rainbow at a time, when a hero is “finished” (or has reached a certein stage), I’d switch in the next one - might be a 5*, too, then. And from time to time switch in a 3*.

Regarding 3*: Prisca isn’t worth leveling, I’d say. Friar Tuck, too, but you’re so short on healers…

Edit: forgot the dupes…but I think, when you play with your leveled heroes, you can decide then what to do with them. I’d keep a dupe Wilbur. My dupe Kelile I fed away some days ago (my first isn’t maxed yet), I think, if I need one, I’ll get another one some day :smiley:
Namahage dupes and other 3* Atlantis might be useful in challenge events, the top list is always full of them.


Wilbur should be you r first priority. Personally I would rainbow feed him to get him to max ASAP. I know others don’t agree but in this case I think its ok since he is a game changer.

Also, do NOT waste mats on Skittles. Save them for Kingston. Even after Kingston I wouldn’t use them on Skittles. Every other green is better. Melendor is great healer I still use at +20, Kashrek works as a tank up to diamond though I just got him from TC20 as my last 4* to give me all the S1 4*. Caedmon is a great hero with a nice attack and debuff. LJ is good though he is slow. He works for a while but once you move up he isn’t a threat. Mel and Caedmon are useful forever and I still use them both despite having 5*.


OK, Thanks a lot.

I know, Healers seem to avoid me, on the other hand that can be compensated to certain degree with potions. I guess they will come at some point, hopefully sooner than later.

However, I will finish the current heroes since i don’t like unfinished levelled heroes sitting in my roster.

Then focus on Wilbur1 as priority #1

After that I will focus on Grazul as Healer and Kingston, unless some other hero comes along.

What do you think about Thorne? Can he be a good combination with Grimm?

Thorne is not considered as a good hero. I can’t say much about him, got him lately from TC20, but Richard before and I have no other blue 5*, so I started with Richard and Thorne is a harder hitting version without the att down for the enemy. Might be good to pair with Grimm in attacks, yes. But 5* are so expensive in leveling…

By the time you’re caught up with leveling the ones on your docket, hopefully you’ve received some better Ice alternatives to level (Kiril, Triton, Sonya, etc.)

Thanks again.

20 hearty Characters

As a relatively new player, I’d focus on Wilbur first…you’ll use him forever. Then Tibertus, you need a strong purple and his defense down is super useful. Max that Wu Kong, you really don’t need a second. I’d probably max Gato eventually, he’s great for war depth and the raid tournaments.

Save those 5* heroes until you have the MATs to max them. Good Luck!

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