Nature hero question

I just received my last tonic… which hero should I level??

I’m leaning towards tarlak or evelyn



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A lot depends on the makeup of your teams. Do you need a healer or an attacker? More fast heroes to add to the mix? I don’t have Evelyn, but by all accounts she is very good. I have Tarlak and he is on my A team and has been great for me.


20 blablablabla

Here are my first severl heroes for context

Yeah I’m still thinking tarlak… I do love evelyn though. I just dknt want to waste those tonics!


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Evelyn. She’s the only nature debuffer this game is likely to ever see. Fast mana element debuff, dispell and element link. She’s dope. Lianna, Zeline and tarlak are great too but there’s lots of healers buffers and hitters. Evelyn is special.

Evelyn hero too.
You can still replace Tarlak with Wu, but you can’r replace Evelyn with anything.

Tarlak hands down is the one.

You can get the same benefit from evelyn at 3/70 and she’ll mainly be used on blue titans. Tarlak can be used on all titans.

This is like askin jackal or wu…

I think you can get the same benefit from Tarlak at 3/70 :man_shrugging: he buffs, he heals. That’s nice. It just isn’t as special as element debuff. Evelyn will be used every time you bring green heroes to any fight, not just titans.

Zeline. She is the second best hero in the entire game (after Hel). No question about her promotion.

Thanks for replying everyone. I know I cant go wrong but materials are so precious that I dont want to waste. Still thinking on this…

Don’t forget Zeline. The most overpowered green hero in the game.

Tarlak if you are fighting 11*/12* titans do you don’t have to keep Wu alive tho.

Evelyn. You still have Wu for the attack buff. Tarlak next.

I went with evelyn. She debuffs, heals and lowers defense. Tarlak or zeline next.

Hopefully I chose right!!


You have chosen… wisely

I think Zeline should be next
