how about a costume lmao?
Yep & the costume will be OP stats but with just 1 extra ailment memorised. So just a tiny little improvement in-line with other pathetic attempts at costume skill design.
Well a BEEFY costume would likely help him a bit but as of now at 80 with no emblems he sits at 799 power and on par with 4* Bonechill at 70. Jikes!
So for me personally to even consider to take my Myztero further I would like to see his def around the 14-1500 mark and hp up to a minimum of 2700.
Is it likely to see? Almost a guaranteed No.
So many heroes that is totally obsolete these days.
Shame since I have the Myztero
The old SG management would’ve made sure a rare hero like Myztero wud be 1 of the best & most likely keep improving him thru the years if he’s still available. This management doesn’t care 1 bit about old heroes hence the lack of aether reset tokens or buffs to older heroes so we can rejuvenate our rosters, but that won’t generate £ so to hell with improving C2P or FTP players lives they cater to whales period !
Have fun chasing costumes and pulling the secret hero …again, just so you can get the so-called buff that makes him relevant for maybe 3 months against a niche that has hundreds of counters anyway…
If they would allow an item that downgrades heroes I would probably log on more often for 4* tournaments. Those would wind up being amazingly enjoyable game content!
But there would have to be controls, like time limits, to keep whales from downgrading brand new super creeps and ruin that content too.
Sure, your mats are wasted. But…
When you invest time to farm up 4* mats, ascend it, then keep on leveling…
And it winds up looking like this:
The mats are wasted anyway.
Here’s what mine looks like:
Also at level 70…
and looks like a new 3*
the rating system is a hoax
That’s insane !!! I didn’t even get that far !!! Here’s mine.
I think I levelled him 1 lvl for a PoV challenge !! LOL! Shame tho, rarity shud count for something tho IMO. I thought I’d won the lottery when I got him all the talk about this secret hero that memorised ailments & unleashes hell when he fires all of them. Poof into smoke !!!