Mythic Titan and Ninja Tower rewards are ridiculous

The rewards for the Mythic Titan and Ninja Tower event are honestly utterly ridiculous. I mean I never complained about the tiny, mini, petite chances of getting something decent from various loots … but having to spend so many resources to get such nonsense rewards, seems like a big joke.
Why would I bother to finish the Ninja Tower event if at the end I get like 1/4 of the resources I spent to finish it? (which I did and I regret)
Why would I bother to be in the top 1% of the Mythic Titan event if at the end I get rewarded with around 1/4 of what I spent? (which I did and I regret)


What else are you using the mats at?

I mean, the Mythic Titan and the Ninja tower are ( from my personal view ) the current “premium events”.
All other parts, seasons, titans etc. could be handled without excessive usage of premium items.

Otherwise, they would just collect dust in your warehouse.


I agree with Ninja Tower. I think players should get a guaranteed 4* mat for the time and resource investment of making it to the top.

Disagree with Mythic Titans. I just got 200 emblems, an EHT, lots of tornadoes and orichalcum nuggets. For the cost of a few items. I think the weekly Raid Tournament rewards should be buffed to come into line with this.


There’re other loot tiers than just top 1%. I ended in top 5% with minimum battle items. It was fun with good loot !


I used around 30-40 minor mana potions, around 20 arrows and some banners.
I think that’s a good deal


What else are you using the mats at?

regular titans (my favorite challenge)

One thing I am realizing is that, apparently you can be top 1% with a much lower score.
My total damage is 2453283, I guess I shouldn’t bother :slight_smile:

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I used around 30-40 minor mana potions, around 20 arrows and some banners.
I think that’s a good deal

can I ask what your total damage was or what % you ended up at?

Top 1%, 1%, alliance out of top 1k
Total damage was around 1.9mio and best hit 420k.

i must say that besides i could i’m never completing ninja tower, it’s sooooo boring!

i find it convenient for chests, flags required are way lower than normal quests. this is the only use i’m making of it.


Then good for you that you were at 1% at everything using only 30-40 minor mana potions, around 20 arrows and some banners :slight_smile:

Mystic titans gives a good amount of Emblems and 3 star mats. Certainly more than regular titans. There comes a point when if you think the loot isn’t worth it, don’t do it. There’s certainly plenty of places you can find worthwhile entertainment in the game.


I did lazy runs at the titan, didn’t spend any kind of resources, ended up at top 10% and 5%. I got trap tools and a sturdy shield. It’s probably one of the softest events if you ask me.

The ninja tower however…I don’t know if it takes a lot of resources, I die of boredom somewhere around level 15 :joy:


Mythic titan rewards are okay, though I am quite a bit pissed off by the fact that for top 1% single hit and top 1% cumulative damage the 3 of 4 3* ascension materials I got were useless farmable crap. And this is after long streak I am getting that crap from top 1% raid tournament, elemental chests, rare titans and so on… Maybe I should post into venting thread again.

NT is a joke. Those chests are completely worthless. It was better without them because this way it looks like SGG is mocking us. For the effort of getting to top one should get at least 10 free NT spins.

Absolutely, if you are just after the loot, it’s not a big deal to make a big first hit that moves you in the 1% area and just move forward with low level mats.


I got a scope and 190 odds emblems. No complaints here.

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To be honest I put relatively little in way of resources used for event and I thought what I got was pretty good. I got like 30 or 40 emblems in two different categories and mutliple other items. For me the reward versus spending was probably the best for any event I’ve ever done in E&P.

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I only used the level of items I did because it’s fun. After my first 3 hits I was top 1% in both so I just used silly other teams and tried stuff for fun (Like going a Purple team + Guardian chameleon and making the Titan yellow :joy:)

It’s surprising how small the numbers actually are to make Top 1% when you see the top figures. The gap between the top 100 (Which individually gets them nothing extra) and those getting top 1% at around 15,000 (I think it landed near there, may be wrong) was massive.

For all that the pile of emblems and the gold tokens was a decent return for the fun had. Items are replaceable, fun is in the moment.


I got darts and a couple hundred emblems, I love the MT and used a few high level items that would have just sat in my inventory otherwise. Look at this as pure add on event that is completely free, you are even given special flags fo it. Even if you don’t use a single item you can get a few emblems and some other things for a few minutes of your time by finishing in the bottom 25%. These events can be what ever you want them to be, if you don’t see the rewards being good for you then either don’t participate or don’t use any items and take the bottom rewards for absolutely nothing. This is a game and not every single thing has to be about getting 4 star ascension items. I love the ninja tower as well because it is fun using heroes that otherwise don’t get much use. i know it is weird liking things in this game because they are actually fun to do but I play this game because i find it fun and not to see how many 4 star ascension items I can get. Try to remember this is supposed to be fun and not work.

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You get more stuff than battle items. I didn’t use many items and got some emblems. Plus I got to play a game.

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Yeah, I guess this is what I learned from the thread: No need to spend items and try to get a huge score, because it’s not worth it. Just play for fun.