Mystic Vision – Discussion of Change to 8 Hours, Adjustment of Loot, and Addition of Emblems [Staff Response in Post #66]

Yes sorry the loot the same but having to watch 2 ads instead of 1. I know in the great scale of things it’s only 30 seconds but I just felt it was a real chance to give back to players. Keep the same drop rate for both.
Tbh I didn’t actually expect anyone to pay attention to my moan lmao.


not necessary.
think about:
16h cooldown of watchtower has 5% (this % is an example) chance to gain 4* ascension item.
If 8h cooldown of watchtower has 2.5% (because they said “half”), statistically you have <5% chance if you watch twice. That is because in statistic, you do not just add both probabilities like a 2.5%+2.5%= 5%.
To calculate correctly you have to do: 0.025+0.025-(0.025*0.025)= 0.0494 (means 4.94% and not 5%).

observation: 0.025 come from 2.5%

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You have to look at it on an average day. You’re generally going to get 2 if not 3 of these on an average day. With the 16 hour ones, you generally got one or max two.

I’ve been on the 8 hour schedule for some time, and I think the average haul per day is considerably better. And I even got a Damascus blade on one of those visions. Trainers seem to come up about as often in the 8 hour as with the 16 hour cycle, which means you get more trainers over time as well.


Well, we are conjecturing, let’s wait for the practical results. I just hope they vary the ads - I’m tired of Gardenscapes and broken aquarium with flying fish.


8 hours shifts helps a lot to watch the mystic vision every day at the same hours.

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Just a missed opportunities I felt. Wouldn’t of even minded if they kept the ascension drop rate the same but just upped everything else. I don’t think getting 1 x turtle banner and a gem every 8 hours would’ve broken the game.


Agree hahahaha

20 characterrrrrr

Lol very true.
You raise a fair point and like I said to someone earlier I’m surprised anybody actually paid any attention to my rambling.
P.s I’m getting nothing but casino ones atm o we and over again

Oh I’m in full agreement there @Bruno82! No, I do not want to save my garden, garage, kitchen or aquarium. I also do not want to play angry birds evolution. Just give me my 2 gems and bear banner and let me move on :joy:

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I’ve been on the 8hr timer a long time, and enjoy it. Loot seems better, but even if it’s not, still gives me something to do more often😬

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I disagree with pretty much EVERY SINGLE POST in this thread, on the basis that much is being presupposed. There are at least two very linguistically tricky words in the SGG release.

The amount of rewards is adjusted so that the daily amount of items from Mystic Vision is the same as before.

The words I find difficult to interpret are “daily” and “amount” (the latter both times it is used).


Here’s one interpretation that I think is valid:

  1. Given a 16 hour cooldown clock, there is a maximum number of times you could watch Mystic Vision, and you could average watching 1.5 per day. We (I am pretending to be SGG here) have adjusted the cooldown to 8 hours, and if you watch 3 MV’s per day, you will get the same loot as you would have with the 16 hour clock before. That is, the theoretical loot opportunities you got before are the same as they are now.

  2. We have tracked the data and know you do not average watching 1.5 MV’s per day, because of the awkward cooldown timer amount. We have heard the posts on this and are implementing a chance. That said, post change we also know you will not watch 3 per day now. Based on what we know you used to watch and what we project you will actually watch, the loot drops should be the same now as they were before. That is, the actual loot opportunities you got before are the same as they are now.


Amount in no way connotes anything about quality. Also, based on the wording, the announcement only addresses the NUMBER OF ITEMS, not even the number of loot slots (much less the probability for those slots). It depends how emblems are added (where, and in what probabilities), but there is at least a chance that better quality items will be obtained, even if the absolute number of items is the same.


I am not aware of any rigorous tracking of MV drops. I’d need to see that and compare it to a reliable sample of post V22 MV loot before I’m willing to conclude that the MV loot is nerfed.

I am NOT saying loot is not nerfed. Nor am I saying loot is nerfed. I AM saying that those who say loot is nerfed do not have a compelling argument.


@IvyTheTerrible, I made a post about the great AM I’ve recently received from regular monster chests. I mentioned Mystic Vision giving me fine gloves also. Well I just received a Damascus blade from MV as well. So either Me and RNGesus are now BFF OR the more rolls with MV give you more chances to get a very nice item.
Plus, like you have mentioned, no one needs to watch them. I don’t even watch them anymore, I put my phone down and do something else and come back in a minute to collect. No problems :wink:

P.S I still don’t want to save my garden :joy:


Oh, actually the part I disagree with in your post is that I think the ______scapes ads are sometimes very funny (on the very rare occasion I watch one); sledgehammer to the aquarium - comedic gold! Recently, I’ve become fond of trying to watch the farm animals get back to their farmer via a frogger-like series of roads and railroad crossings.


And all this above is why I love this community. Really interesting points that got my brain thinking and also smiles. Cheers most of all for those.

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The way it was explained, is we will get the same amount of loot daily, but the 4* items are more constant, instead of being more clumped. Like getting 2 hero slots with a level up more frequently instead of 5 hero slots with a level up less frequently.

This is all RNG, but it can be seen in the difference between leveling with 1x batch of 10x 1* 1.1 green hero versus 10 batches of 1x 1* 1.1 green hero. ( Special skill odds )

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Every time I see the ads for other games I’m grateful I found E & P! I can’t bare watching them for 30 seconds.


Half the nothing is nothing. Ridiculous.

Adding emblems = increased loot in and by itself, who cares about the math exercise. The drops were pretty regular in beta.

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More advertising for a little more rewards.
Can’t complaint, this game is not really “aggressive” on pubblicity.

Let’s just hope it does not escalate.


Same loot, twice the ads means more money for them and we get… what, same loot + one or two extra emblems? Wow, the generosity of SG is just incredible.