Mystia – 5* Nature / Green - February 2025 HOTM (Hero of the Month) -- Initial Release

Does Finley hit all work with soul connect?

It’s the best way to use him.

He shines in my events teams paired with C1 Gunnar

Armand is outstanding on offence and the sleep from his mega minion works brilliantly. He’s been one of the strongest heroes in the game since release

The fact he puts people to sleep every turn means it’s not a huge deal if you accidentally wake one up

I just pulled her today!


sure sleep works fine if you can do it every turn. Only one out of all heroes with sleep does that though I think. All the others have to deal with having a useless skill :smiley:

I get what they were trying to do with the artwork but it just doesn’t work, imo.

More importantly, this is the first hotm I’ve leveled immediately. So thanks small giant for a great hotm.

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“Really good at her niche” is definitely noteworthy to me as well, and agree!

I can think of at least one edge case for Sleep that isn’t that uncommon for me: war cleanups.

If I’m facing or can quickly get myself into a 7-10 split (or often better, a lone wing-flank on one side) sort of situation, putting one enemy to sleep while I concentrate on the other (or even if I can sleep both while ghosting tiles elsewhere) is a good way for me to increase my chances of my often-relatively-low-power cleanup team not getting atomized all in one go by some hero I have no business throwing tiles at :wink:

I appreciate that’s a niche that may not be relevant to some folks, but I’ll take what I can get!

Depends on the niche, but “I am facing a modern red hero who can destroy or at least cripple me all in one go” is not necessarily limited to Bearnadette and so a niche worth addressing for me, at least!


I was exaggerating to make a point, yes you can use sleep (also for example on def it´s not as bad as on offense), but the fact remains that the skill is essentially broken and should be fixed to become a useful skill.

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I don’t think it’s niche at all, that’s literally the entire point of sleep imo. You put a hero to sleep on one side of the board, and then focus all your tiles on the other side.

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Except it doesn´t work, because every hero these days has a passive or a family bonus or something that put a small amount of damage or dot or whatever on everybody else, even any combo throwing empty 1 damage tiles wake up enemies. I have a sleep hero and played with him for a long time, because I didn´t beleive how crappy sleep is lol, it never works. Well it sometimes does, but far too rarely to be worth planning on it. If you can´t plan it, it´s just another RNG effect, that nobody needs, sure a little extra gimmick to have while it´s there, but not a skill that´s worth putting on your team on purpose. If you rely on it being there, it will fail you.

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