Musashi or Guardian Owl?

Musashi. Owl is useless

I picked G. Owl. I’ll wait for Musashi’s costume

Damn late to the party, but having played with Musashi quite a bet after getting him in TOL and thinking “meh” I have come to the conclusion that he is actually quite good. I got him levelled up to something like 15 emblems and on his own the damage he does to 3 is pretty good. In a stack with C Joon and Mist between them they would usually kill off 2 or 3 heroes.

The rogue talent is great, his stack/titan attack figure is great and the tile heal is much better than you would think as long as you are stacking.

At the moment I have de-emblemed him but that is because I am moving to 6 rainbow teams and I just don’t have room for pure damage dealers - everyone has to be a game-changer hero, minion counter, mana controller, or support hero. In a stack of 3/2 or above I would definitely use him and emblem him.

I don’t have Guardian owl, but outside of VF formats I don’t see a use for him


I decided with G. Owl only because I have plenty of maxed fast Holy 5* heroes already. Joon, Poseidon, Ranvir, W. Rabbit, & Bai Yeong. Musashi is definitely next unless I summon Uranus or Costume Leo lol