I have been the luckiest guy and pulled 2x Morgan rather than one of the more useful 5* from that event. But anyway… I brought one up to 3/70 and try to use here in some fights were I end ab with a conclusion she is not very useful, or maybe not for me.
Therefore I just want to get some feedback from some player who do have her on 4/80 and fighting in the diamond region.
- In which fights are you using her?
- What’s the advantages of using her instead of other green Heros?
I’m really struggling to ascend her for some serious reason.
If I check her special skill out, she does no direct damage, which means, If she and the opponents Hero are up to 100% mana, she can’t kill it. She just sucks out the life in the next turns. And this would mean the opponent are able to use his special.
I can compare her to Victor which I have on 4/80 she seems to be a prototype of him… and he is much more useful due to the stacking of the dot and his def buff to all Heroes.
I play always pretty aggressive and try to force the dmg on the board. I use to set um my team always with Tarlak+Greg + 3x opponents (reverse) Tank color, and If its blue I add Evelyn.
Furthermore, I can say I’m having Frida, Magni, Richard, Khinoa, Sartana, Victor, Ares, Mariana, Zimty, Onatel, Joon, Delilah, as my main configuration to fill up the team.
Do I need to ascend a Morgan?
Would she useful in DEF?
Please share your comments, much appreciated.