More variety in female body types and ages

If all women heroes are skimply dressed, could we not have all the men vertigo perhaps wearing for pieces etc

over all, this is probably one of the most civil threads on this topic that iā€™ve read in any gaming community.

earlier someone mentioned a game character from another game that looked like a developer self-portrait [sorry, it was early in the thread and iā€™m not sure how to quote and too lazy to find it]ā€“but that reminded me of Boris Vallejo artwork. the majority of his artwork is actually based on he and his wife. so much of his art work has permeated the fantasy world for decades and female eye candy has always been the norm.

i love the idea of more diversity. donā€™t get rid of whatā€™s already out thereā€”just add to it. :slight_smile:


If what youā€™re saying is to have more scantily clad eye candy men, sure, Iā€™m all for it since we presently have enough variety in men. Someone mentioned there wasnā€™t enough eye candy men in the game. I had not thought about it previously, but it does seem like we could add some more heroes that would please the male-loving population among us!

Thank you so much for your kind words! With the exception of a couple of heated moments (unfortunately), we have managed to keep it civil.

Thank you to the participants in the discussion for keeping it civil and respecting othersā€™ opinions! And thank you moderators for watching out and allowing this discussion to continue. I hope people feel safe enough to express their opinions here and that extends to people who were once upset during the discussion.


I wondered where we were up to. That auto correct is infuriating. What I intended to write was ā€œcould we not have all men scantily clad? Perhaps wearing cod pieces? (Bulging of course)ā€ Infact, I would prefer a variation in womenā€™s shapes and ages. But if not, fairā€™s fairā€¦

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Yes, itā€™s been pretty quiet lately!

Scantily clad men! Sure! :laughing: You mean like speedo? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Nice body is a requirement for scantily clad men. Otherwise ā€¦ itā€™s a disaster.

Exactly. Iā€™m not exactly the Buffy type and am well into middle age, but Iā€™ve got a pretty awesome roundhouse kick (who would have thought?)!

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Reading through this thread and thinking about these comments coming before the release of Frida, who I think was definitely a step in the right direction! Hulking badass of a woman, she is. Though shes not human, it was still nice to see! (This coming from a straight white cis male who has always been a little put off by all the scantily clad women in this game). And now with the release of Marge, makes me feel like SGG cares about the topic of diversity :slight_smile:


I agree. This is just what Iā€™m talking about! Margaret is a 50/60yr old woman who is kickass. Itā€™s great to see an image of a woman my age included. When I get her, she may become a mainstay on my team like Rigard.

Great job artists/creators and thank you! Keep up the good work. :wink:


@Orangina I definitely agree that Frida is a step in the right direction. Although I donā€™t have her, I really hate going against her, so I know sheā€™s awesome!

@amrath this is the first time Iā€™ve heard about Margaret (I guess I totally missed the May HOTM) I find it awesome that sheā€™s aged and has a battle scar.

Now if we could have more scantily clad male eye candy, weā€™d be going in a better directionā€¦ lol :joy: only half joking because I think women want to enjoy, too.

I love that SGG may be recognizing our more diverse playersā€™ wants and desires. Kudos to you, SGG!

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