Misleading scores in aw

I keep the scores of our Alliance and I think the scores are missing a important point…

The scores you make (now) minus the points you lost because youre team is killed (I think) should be the raiting in the wars…
This should be a better ranking…

(I’m not english … sorry for the typo’s :slight_smile: )

Individual player performance isn’t used for anything, other than the listing in the “top attacker” list. Loot is unrelated to score. In the end, though, all that matters is whether your alliance wins or loses.

FWIW, my alliance also tracks the net difference, as well as number of one-shots and successful clean-ups.

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Thank you for clearificattion… Because the winner of our Alliance had the 3rd best score (he was killed two times) and the one who wasn’t killed (had the best score overall) but scored not that good became 8th…

it seems unfair to me that it makes no different when you hold the ground but is meaningless…

If loot were awarded based on individual war score, then people would want to maximize their personal scores – which may not be what is needed to win the war. People think they can one-shot, and then fail. They try again with a different team, they fail. Clean-ups may not be glamorous, but they need to be done even if they have a lower potential for racking up points.

Also, defensive is passive. Sure, it took work to collect heroes and troops to have a strong defense, but the selection of the other team between attacking you or your ally may have everything to do with which particular heroes they happen to have – attacking a stronger team may be wiser if your offense better counters the defense. So I’m not sure why rewarding defensive performance would be valuable.


That precise why I recommended that it had to be calculated… If a defender with a good team can hold 13 attacks its something worth…

If I ( i have 3 teams about 3 k 3,5k) attack 2,5 a 3k teams I score around 200 / 300 points… if I have 6 teams I can score about 20% of our team effort with ease… While holding the line, I get zero points (but I have aniliated the attackers assault possibillity) and therfore I contributed to a team effort… (possible win)

Just to clarify my point with a movie… If sparta doesn’t hold the gap… (movie 300)

The movie is used to say if a defence team can hold 13 attacks and receive nothing… its balance of points is no team effort … its al about points making as a person… :slight_smile:

It really doesn’t matter because individual scores aren’t used for anything. Your alliance should set whatever goals it thinks best meet your needs. Frankly, most alliances are thrilled if they can get 100% participation.

okay fair enough… If this ranking is not used for anything then its all okay by me…
Thank you for answering my question…