Milena issue

I noticed this during Autoplay, so I assume it is also happening on my Defense Team. Even when my team has full health, Milena has been casting her special to heal. The amount healed appears, but is not added as extra health, so the mana is wasted and the second charge is never achieved.

Milena heals in the first charge, but she doesn’t boost VIT like Gullin or Heimdall.


She activates her special randomly…
At at certain point of health she will be triggered to activate her 1st special, but otherwhise it’s just random…

See it on a positive way - on defense she might clear some ailments opponent put on your heroes :wink:


I know she doesn’t boost health. That wasn’t my point. Sorry for the confusion. My point is that she shouldn’t be randomly using charge 1 if the team is already max health. She should be saving mana for charge 2. Which she used to do. But now she always fires on charge 1 if the tiles dont aren’t enough for charge 2.

Welcome to the forum… I dont think there is a thread on charging for the tower of magic hero’s. Have looked… But they kinda work like the ninjas I guess…

I have milena I don’t use her In my auto play… I’ll put her in for testing for yaah… (anyone who has her can you do the same) as if she just firing after each first charge could be a issue…

Ok quick test this does look abit dodgy…
Used mana on zircon and milena…
This what happens…

Every charge milena did use her special mist the last screen shot… I’ll wait for some we and try again she did it 3 times when I just tired…

Ok did a second test was totally different she didn’t use first charge after auto play… If anyone else wanna try it out lettuce know yah findings…

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Thanks for testing what i mean. I used her on autoplay today, and the issue was fixed. I am really curious if a change was made.

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Ok cool nothing has been fixed… auto play is…auto play with ninjas and magic hero’s its a bit different on when they fire specials…

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