Any alliances out there that have 8-10 members looking for a home?
We are a group of players serious about progressing the alliance. Our top players regularly make it to #1 spot individually, albiet they get knocked back down by the following morning
We use messenger, FB Group page & Titan and War result tracking sheets.
Our War score is currently: 266613
We are looking to clean house of the players not being part of the team and replace them with players that take Titans fights and Wars more seriously. We aren’t dictators, we rely on everyone’s feedback and input to make things better.
Give Indigo Tide a search, or hit me up here if you have any questions. Looking forward to hearing from you good folks.
I do not currently have access to my phone but have a 120k alliance with 8 spots available where at any given time more than 1/2 our members are diamond status. We also have a sister alliance, not sure on availability of spots. If you have any interest in trying to see if something could be worked out between the two of us if your members are of similar strength, we are “New World Legends”
Let me know what you think, and again, sorry but my phone is currently inaccessible.
That is an updated picture of our alliance. I am one of the co-leaders and if you feel something would be possible please let me know. We are currently killing 10 star titans regularly and have 100% participation, but also a fun chat atmosphere both in game and on LINE app.
Always interested in talking. We have 25 players currently, will be letting go of a handful of players soon, giving us room for around 10 more players. Not sure your alliance would have room for all of us. Send some info on the sister alliance though when you can.
Our primary sister alliance is Pearl of the Orient Seas. Not sure how full they are currently or if some coule be removed, and we also have “Three Star Estates” which is ran by a co-leader of NWL as well as a former co-leader on their 2nd accounts. It is very casual there but easier titans and wars without requirements. I feel we could do well together, have a look and I will ask Pearl how they’re doing on members and if any could be removed.
We could consider the idea of starting another sister alliance using the base alliance you already have as well, always good to have more knowledgeable and fun people around and offers flexibility for when people get busier in real life or stronger in game.
Only our Top 5 regularly stay at or above the 2200 mark you set for NWL. The next 6 or 7 members stay at or around the 2K mark (but they are growing). The rest are 1900-900, we have allowed a lot of new players in, so we are showing them the ropes.
It’s frustrating in wars mostly though. We regularly have at least 5 people that don’t attack. So house cleaning is coming soon, lol
As far as Titans go, we can clear 7* fairly regularly, assuming our active players stay active. Top three usually scoring 150k-300k damage. We can take down 8* Titans…IF…we burn flasks, so those are hit and miss for us right now.
We have some members that are in the same boat where they are at or around 2000 but growing as well. We would be more than happy to accomodate them if you indeed were interestedm I would rather have a 3300 team that is improving than a 3500 team that is content to stay there.
If interested we could for sure take in your top 5 as well as 3 of the growing members and your other members could be another sister alliance where we can recruit from as there is always some turnover in alliances.
We kill 10 star titans regularly with our group and only use flasks for rare titans or if a titan is very close which has us having many members with quite a few flasks.
Hi, I am currently representing 4 active players who are looking to settle into a new guild since ours has recently dismantled. Three of the four of us are > 2000 and one of us is about 1400. We are daily players who are progressing. We will hit all titans and contribute in wars. If interested please let me know and I I’ll share with the group. We are trying to move as a 4 person group. Thanks!
Not sure how your merger is going?
But we have 2 alliances with spots available.
Down the rabbit hole… is for tp 3500+ and asks for full participation. When full is top 200.
The Cheshire Cat is our training and resting alliance and has still a lot of space. @Spikedog you are welcome to check us out too if you are still looking, my recruitment message is here: Down the rabbit hole.../The Cheshire Cat are both recruiting - #2 by Konijntje
Sounds great! I’ll let the rest of the group know and it will likely take a full day to get everyone moved over. I’m at work now but will get on it in about 6 hours. Hope that works for you @Quikening
Hi Qwikening I’m sorry it’s been a busy day. We are in as long as you have room. Please look for my request and I’ll send you the names of the rest of the 3 of us. I’ll join you guys in the next 2 hours. Thanks so much looking forward to it!