We found a great crew to merge with, post edited
Hi yawn my line ID is MistyKnight325. I tried to search your name but for some reason won’t allow me to use the asterisk. My alliance is Rougue Elite Army we’re a really active, good group and casual players like yourself. If interested in merging with us just let me know and we can discuss.
There is a Line group for alliances looking to merge. Would either or both of you be interested in an invite? If so, let me know and I can get you one. Line ID countrygirlcg
Yes could you send me an invite CountryGirl. Thanks
It was great talking with you Misty. Good fortune to you in your search!
Incoming request CountryGirl
@CountryGirl my alliance would benefit from this line chat! My line id is bobbiearnold Black and white photo. Please add me! Ty
Please message me. Line ID is bobbiearnold thanks!