Melia worth the emblems?

Just managed to max out Melia tonight, and contemplating throwing some emblems on her. The only other druids I have that are worth a damn are Caedmon and Melendalf. Caed is at 3/60 and Mel at 2/50, and I only have 3 shields right now.

I like Melia since she has the highest atk out of all 3* holy heroes, is fast, and her special can be pretty devastating when combined with crit troops - 42% with an unlevelled 4* crit troop!!. To put her atk into context, Melia at 3/50 has 505 atk, which is higher than Chao’s 504 at 3/60! That’s just insane IMO, and highlights just how underwhelming some of the vanilla 4* yellows are. (unfortunately the monkey king aka Wu Kong eludes me and is the only 4* yellow I don’t have =( )

Tbh part of the allure of embleming Melia is that 3*'s are relative cheap to emblem. I have 121 emblems so enough to take her to +11, where I feel she will really start to shine (I plan on taking the atk+def path). If I emblemed Caed at some point in the distant future, that’d only be enough for +6. Plus I kinda want to hold out for something better (cough Hansel cough) before I empty my shield stash. I feel like if nothing else, Melia +11 will be devastating against purple titans especially when stacking yellow and paired with crit troops

Anyways I guess I’m looking for reasons NOT to give her emblems. I like Caed and he’s a staple in my roster, but like I said even after I get my 4th shield, I still may hold off on maxing him. Plus it’s gonna be a long few weeks to get him to 4/70…

If you want to be competitive in rare tier of challenge events and the 3 star tournaments, then she is a great candidate for druid emblems. I have my Melia at +6 and she is definitely worth it. Her crit boost can make colour stacks very devastatitng, especially in conjunction with costumed Hawkmoon. I also have Caedmon+18 and Melendor+18 for context.

Melia is really good for a 3*, one of my favs, useful in events etc. But at the point you seem to be in the game I wouldn’t hesitate on maxing Caedmon when the shield comes around. As for emblems, my first thought is not wasting them on 3*s, but on the other hand like you said, it’s cheap, you probably have some reset tokens, so I can’t see harm in it…

Btw, as far as i know the ways of this game, you’ll get your 4th shield right after you emblem Melia :wink:


Melia is an absolute total 3 star weapon. My highest ever Titan score? Yep, you guessed it; Melia (with minor assistance from Brienne). Her critical attack buff for all allies is insane.

Mine doesn’t have emblems though. I stripped her down really quickly, 3 stars are a bit limited.


Actually I only have that one freebie reset given out when you first max a hero. :flushed: Well to be fair to me I’ve only been playing for 5 weeks and am just recently able to finish the middle tier of class trials with some battle items (hello carpet bombing). But yes, like you said I can always reset later down the road when I have a more worthy druid, and having those emblems sit there and do nothing isn’t exactly the best of them.

Hahahahaha man this is so true it hurts. :laughing:

(on a more serious note, Strikewood is coming in about a week, so what you just said is actually absolutely true)

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Glad I read this post. Was thinking about feeding Melia away, but I was curious how that crit bonus would play out in the real. Guess I’ll keep her around, but she’d have some roster competition for yellow 3*'s with Bertulf, Pixie, Kvasir, and Poppy. (although I’ll bet stacking crit bonus on top of Bertulf’s insane tile damage would friggin crush. Could you imagine charging these guys up with a board full of yellow tiles and a diamond? [Mind=Blown]

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Melia is definitely worth the emblems. Mine is at +19. I use her quite a lot. And she can be surprisingly helpful on titans. Color stack + critical attack can deliver a lot of damage.

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Melia is a great 3* I have her LB and +19. Use her on most 3* tournaments, and regular and mythic titans. Fast mana, hit all, and the crit increase are amazing. I would not hesitate to give her emblems or limit break her.


Emblemed and limit broken


I have her at 50 but not emblemed. I haven’t gotten a great deal out use of her but I do think she has potential. The problem is that the competition for druid emblems is extreme! I have Melendor +20 as well as Caedmon, Brienne, Helo, Kvasir and Belith. Caedmon is valuable since I’m not overloaded with dispellers. I have some emblems on Brienne but might strip them off of her.

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Melia actually has great synergy with kvasir, because the minions ALSO get the crit boost!


What what what?! Really?! I had no idea minions got boosts from buffs (that aren’t minion-specific).

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Minions also deal damage in the color of their summoner, meaning their damage dealt differs on the color of their opponent vs their own, and they also profit from Elemental def down. Furthermore: incremental def down like C brienne and athena gets triggered by every minion hit.


I’m trying to unpack what you’re saying here::

Let’s say i’m running a 3/2 Red/Yellow. Yellow summons minions for the team. If I want to maximize the elemental damage of those minions, should I weaken them against yellow or should I weaken them against red?

If Minions follow their summoner, then Falcon won’t really help minion damage, even though I have 3 red heroes. I would want Jackal to weaken against holy and the minions summoned by yellow will deal more damage to those enemies.

is this correct?

Wow really? I did not know that! This is great information!