šŸÆ [May 2021] Ninja Tower Event - FAQ, Discussion & Summons!

Just pulled Mica with a single ninja token pull :smiley:


Why do I even enter the tower? I find no pleasure in getting smashed by a 4* and 2 5* Ninjas on level 27 with a rooster that can beat easily 6 4.5 teams in a war. Mono just makes sure, you wonā€™t get any useful tyles, any other option doesnā€™t bring you anywhere else. Quitting becomes an option.

Quitting has always been an option. Not entering ninja tower would be a less drastic one.

Personally if I hated it that much Iā€™d just run one level or perhaps as far as 10, to get the bottom tier of emblems. Free and relatively painless. Nobody said you had to climb the whole thing.


Well, I hate it from the first time it appeared.The curses just distract you from a normal play. But it just seems completely unbalanced. Now my teams are much stronger, but the struggle seems to raise, rather than decline. I play every challenge and wonder how the big guys can get almost double my result(yeah, got it: nuke them), but here I struggle to understand, how I even could change my game to succeed.

Havenā€™t watched these yet but I can guess they maybe helpful.

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49/50 complete will finish tomorrow :slight_smile: Tower definitely tests roster depth and if you are willing to use battle items you can get thru the levels easier. Was using mostly 4* till level 30. With the rate the stupid curse tiles come out, would be nice to get at least 3 curses on a hero before they are out or reduce the number of curse tiles that appear or lose a curse after 5-10 levelsā€¦

I will say choosing your blessing can make a big differenceā€¦I always go for Attack Boost, Critical Boost when available then secondary choices of Def boost and Health every 5 turns gainā€¦tile damage is key to eliminating the bosses cause the specials seem to do light damage overallā€¦

Nice prize of Onyx from the ninja portal today :smiley:


Did the last levels of ninja tower with mono red

boldtusk, falcon c.azlar, yang mai, marjana was super easy.

Yang Mai reallly excels in ninja tower.

3rd time finished with no attack items used. only few scrolls, def banners, and potions.

mana link is great in ninja tower


At floor 47, just 4 more to go, but will finish tomorrow to conserve flasks. Current score 1,355,938, so definitely on track for 1.4 million+. Have a feeling top 1k may need 1.5 million+ this time round though, weā€™ll seeā€¦

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Finally a decent 50th floor reward. The final score was 1.4M and only one hero was cursed.


Really happy with this tower.

First time I got a 4* mats from the final chest :smiley:

The first 4 days went far better than the last towers, less curses better boards, lost around 5 heroes and had maybe 10 with one curse, most of them 4* heroes I only used early on.

Last day got worse with curses, lost 2 gulli in the first two stages today, and some more heroes before lvl 45. After that I didnā€™t really bother with them, I already selected the teams for the last 5 stages, all different, so I ignored the curses completely, lost 3-4 each stage but didnā€™t matter.

Items usage was once again at a minimum, used 9 tornadoes, only after stage 30 and only to save onatel. I could have finished without her too, but she makes the last 20 stages much easier and faster, so I think those few items were used usefully.

Placement seems likely to be once again top 5k like the last two towers, but my score is ā‰ˆ30k points higher.

Happy gaming everyone and good luck with the last chest and your final loot.


NT completed but still no 4* AM in the last tower chest ā€¦ :sob: :crying_cat_face:


Finished Ninja Tower for the first time ever, Iā€™m really happy. Gazelle, Gullinbursti and Heimdall were the absolute MVP.


Got to level 47 this time, with moderate item usage. Since I was just trying to see how far I can go realistically, Iā€™m not going to buy a flask to finish it, especially as some key heroes are cursed out.

I got much further than I expected though. Probably going to level some duplicates, that Iā€™ve been holding off (Gullinbursti, Almur, etc.).

Gotta admit, that at first, I wasnā€™t the biggest fan of the event myself. But Iā€™ve come to appreciate the challenge, and should be able to finish it next time.


Finished NT, lost 2 heroes (both blue, because I was relying on my blue stack for 40+ out of 50 floors) but made it in the end. Final chest is meh:

NT final chest

But at least made it past the 1.5M mark. Hopefully top 1k is secure. :crossed_fingers:

Used about 5 hurricanes, 50 tornadoes, 50 bombs, 40 dragons, and a shed load of minor mana pots.


Finally some luck!
Finished the tower and 10 pull = Second Cobalt, dupe Quintus, dupe Yang Mai (but itā€™s ok).

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Finished NT for the first time ever. Used basic items apart from time stops and freeze timers, had plenty of those.
Around 80% of roster cursed completely, saved best teams on last 10-15 levels.
Surprisingly levels above 40 turned out to be easier than 30sā€¦

Nothing special from rewards. Iā€™m now ranked a little under 20k, wasnā€™t playing for good scores.
Stressful AF but Iā€™m proud.


Finished it, phew! Had to buy a flask though, as I loused up on two levels earlier, mainly bringing underpowered teams in an attempt to save the good ones for later. Used a few scrolls of alteration in the last 5 levels, but trying to be sparing with them as theyā€™re not cheap to make; time stops and tornados also helped, and minor mana (love how those mana blessings add up towards the end). Level 50 chest contained no ascension materials, not even low level ones, but did include 25 coins and 30 barbarian emblems. Rank currently 39570 (I am a slow player with a tendency to drop to sleep at crucial moments), may be lucky enough to stay in the under-5k bracket. If not, well, 15 emblems of each type is also good. (And arrows. Mustnā€™t forget the arrows :stuck_out_tongue:)


At last I finished the NT. It takes so much time and nowadays I donā€™t have so much spare time.:sweat_smile:

I used this team in the last level:

And the blessings were the same as in the previous NT:

  • 10 % defense
  • 25 % mana generation
  • 25 % mana each 5 turns
    A minion with 20 % attack and VIT each 5 turns.

The last level was pretty easy even though Onyx and Cobalt fired so many times with the third charge (Jade was simply a big joke as a final enemy). QoH protected the team so well with Wilbur and Gullinburstiā€™s special. Besides, itā€™s so pleasant matching tiles without worrying about the Oni stones.

These were the loots in each level:

Iā€™m quite happy as I didnā€™t need to use so many special objects. In fact, what I spent the most were the minor healing and mana potions. I had 35 tornadoes and I spent just 15. I used them just when Wu Kong, Gullinbursti or some green and holy heroes were in danger of being doomed. Maybe I shouldnā€™t have used them as in the end I had some 5* heroes still available.

Hope I can stay between the 10000.

Take care. :wink:


Finished for the first time, over half of my roster cursed , used same mono red last 10 floors using tornadoes and hurricanes to keep them in play they were- Garnet, Jackel, C Colen, C bonus Khagan, no way I could have finished w/o Garnet, really glad I finally made it


Managed to hold top 500, couldnā€™t be happier :smiley: