Like it says on the tin, I’m in the market for a 5* purple but am at 2 tabards, so it’ll be a while. I happened to pull a 2nd Panther during the last Guardians, but I’m not sure she should get the third set.
Domitia is like last in line due to having Seshat who is better in like 99% of situations, and the others are… blehhhhh…
I’m actually leaning more towards Quintus due to him providing something relatively unique. Idk.
I am planning to make some Atlantis pulls, so the question has a high probability of being moot, but I’m not sure it’s worth having a duplicate Panther. Thoughts?
Since Panther also dispels 3 and is fast, do the 2nd masked domina instead of Domitia.
Yellow titans will get weak all the time with 2 of her.
If both ready on raid attacks, you’ll be able to debuff the whole enemy team against your dark stack. A stack of 3 will then be as threatening as a mono dark.
Only Kage, Sesh or Ursl would get my tabards instead. Even Sesh and Ursl would be a tough decision, but Oba, Quin or Domi aren’t.