If you pay $100 in the USA store, you get 1 gem per 1 cent. Better but limited offers show up every month, such as the Atlantis offer and there’s VIP. 2 gems for 1 cent is a benchmark for those who don’t spend incredible amounts.
@zephyr1, do you know if there is any indication whether or not Magpie’s Emblem Boutique will be a monthly deal? Quite frankly, I find the deals here to be on the better side of available deals in this game and look forward to them.
Based on this thread it looks like there’s an emblem offer every 2 or so months.
October (initial offer), January, March.
In November & December there were Halloween/ Christmas offers which featured emblems. Also was the Cyber Monday / Black Friday offers which had emblems too.
Based on that I doubt there will be one this month (Springvale offers instead).
Seems more like roughly 5 times per year, if it continues at the frequency so far — which could make sense, as it would work out to fully rotate through all of the Classes.