Matchmaking and war - question – if someone left alliance after matchmaking, will he be considered as ex-member during the war?

One question about war and matchmaking, just to be sure - if someone left alliance after matchmaking, will he be considered as ex-member during the war which means that he will participate the war in a way that he can be attacked but his six attacks will be wasted?

And if someone left the alliance after matchmaking but came back to alliance before start of the war, will he still be ex-member or he can participate the war like he never left the alliance?

Thanks in advance.

If you leave after match making you will be a ex-member and not be able to use flags in the war if you return is my understanding.

That’s also my opinion but I’m not 100% sure so I wanted someone to clarify me that dilemma…

If you leave after Matchmaking (become ex-member) but come back BEFORE war starts you’ll be back on the field(no more ex-member) and you’ll be able to make the war.
If you leave after Matchmaking and join again after war started you get spectator mode and won’t be able to make the war.
If you leave after war begins if you come back you’ll be spectator mode.

Edit: to complete the teams on field after Matchmaking are the ones that go to battle… If someone leaves and returns works as he never left… If he leaves and don’t return until the war begins then yes the ex-member team stays on field.


OK, can someone than explain to me how is possible having different number of players in war?

As you can see blue team has one player more than red team…

Isn’t there suppose to be ex-member in red team if someone left team after matchmaking?

The algorithm doesn’t guarantee same sized teams. It pairs teams based off of war score, which means occasionally teams wind up being off by one or two members.