[Master] We need more roster slots

A 1* tournament would just be demented; 2* yes as I have observed some people I’ve been up against are ranked around the 1.4 million mark which I think is great as it keeps new players involved but the hero slot situation is a bit of a joke. I use 95 and I’m only a 1200’er and that is difficult.

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They are only worth 40 points on a level up; just use the standard 15%'ers. I keep duplicates of almost everything, you never know when those identical 1’s, 2’s or 3*'s will get used in a 5 stack (I keep all my 4*'s).

Yes, that would be great. I agree a graduated increase makes more sense than the everyone gets 50. If I got 1 extra for every 2 levels I’d get 34 and it would grow a little quicker than it does now. It would be enough to make a difference for everyone and make carrying the 1* and 2* leveled heroes almost manageable. Maybe some combination: everyone gets 10 (covers a rainbow team for each *) plus 1 for every two levels.

I support this idea 100%!

But probably this is what SG has planned all along: bringing 1* and 2* tournaments so players need more roster space, thus forcing them to buy. More money for SG!

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I think the extra slots is a great option. Leveling 4&5* heroes has been a priority but now with the tournaments more leveled heroes are required yet space for the heroes I might only use a few times a year is pointless as it means it’s taking longer to level 4&5* heroes with spare space in bench.

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@dim if we can convert duplicates that would make it more worthwhile as it’s tough holding onto all the duplicates but do we really want to open slots by feeding 4* or 5* hero’s? I know I don’t lol Thank you for getting back to me. Happy gaming! :blush:

Season 3 is approaching and it will be necessary for many to get rid of old heroes or buy new roster slots for the new heroes. Maybe SG can provide 10 slots for free once season 3 begins, that would be neat

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If SG charges us for roster slots, why would they give em away?

I’m all for the idea, i just think it’ll be a hard sell


I think more slots benefits SG. With more open slots, the more likely small spenders like me will buy gems for more heroes. I have 110 saved heroes (some unfed). But I have 178 slots. Even with 68 open slots, it takes forever to level up a 4* or 5* hero. I would love an extra 10 or 15. Every little bit helps.

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I would be more likely to buy extra slots if they didn’t keep doubling in price. 50 gems I can justify. 100 is iffy. 200 no way. Gems just too rare for f2p. So I’m currently stuck with 18 recyclable slots. Makes leveling heroes as much of a challenge as anything else in the game.

Maybe except that slots end up costing more than summons eventually and people still buy em

At 400 slots now and the price is up to 650 gems per 5 slots

Plus u can still out summon roster capacity so typically doesnt slow anyone down on summons

Bout the only way they could help me while still helpin themselves is by making trainer heroes part of inventory like costumes then the trainers would be easier sales. Hard sale to me right now since i have plenty and I’m not maxing anymore 5s until i hit my troop goals, but if i could stock more up without taking up my roster capacity i would consider it


@Rigs Yeah defo on the trainer heros good call! Such a simple thing to do. Plus they sell them think there’s a deal on right now! Could get people to buy more as roster space isn’t a issue!
Can be a win win for all party’s, can choose to level up said hero have a trainer button if you want to use trainers

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I see it as some sort of customer service. Keep your customers happy and they will return and spend some more. But yeah, the mechanics of the game are rather keep your customers addicted and they will spend some more :grin:

Still, I am wondering if I should get rid of some heroes. Those that are never used and will never receive emblems can also be disposed of. It’s just the question if there will be regrets afterwards. I’ll wait until the next batch of costumes but yeah, I might get rid of some Pandas


I eat everything i have no use for or cant level under 4*. Some 4* i keep for later as they’re slightly harder to get than 3*. I keep all 5s.

Any seasonal heroes probly worth keeping at least one or 2 of except for maybe vlad as i find him pretty meh and would rather use multiple balthazaar any day

The reason they should add more free roster slots is simple:

When they created the game and set the roster slots there was no war and there were no raid tournaments. As you progressed, there was no reason to keep 3* once you had a better 4* to replace it, and same with 4* being replaced with 5*. All you needed to build were solid raid and titan teams, and the hero roster slots were set based on that.

War marginally increased the number of roster slots needed because now we needed to hold onto and build more depth, but still once you hit a certain point, 3* and below became food.

3* raid tournaments with their various color schemes and special rules, now means building a 3* roster, in addition to the 4* and 5* roster.


Which increases the sell of roster slots…

Not sayin they shouldnt. Just sayin why they wont. Dollars speaks louder than words


SGG added Challenge events

We should have gotten +20 roster slots for 2x rainbow 4* teams and 2x rainbow 3* teams.

SGG added alliance war.

We should have got +25 hero slots.

SGG added 2* tourneys 3x every 2 years.

We should have gotten +10 hero slots.

SGG added 1* tourneys 3x every 2 years.

We should have gotten +10 hero slots.

SGG, you owe us 65 hero slots.


Drastically increase hero slots available for free because we are constantly getting new heroes added to game but our slots don’t increase accordingly without buying them. Also, let us stack multiples of the same hero without adding to the used slots.


More content, more heroes, more roster slots

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Ok SG its time to give back to the community that supports you so well. we are in season 3 now with about 400 heroes pull released and you guys (SG) are not slowing down keep up the good work. but too much of any thing can still be a bad thing. With the amount of heroes being release comes at the coast of storage. Season 3 is on its 3rd round and has 8 5s 5 4s 5 3s and another set of 4s and 3s to go with the next wave of 5s. REAL TALK where u want us to put them. can keep the new guys if they have no where to go. I am making this post not just cause this is a problem but i also have a solution. in most mobile games at about the 300 mark for heroes they start to reward loyal players. I believe SG it is that time. May personal suggestion is grant a hero slot for each lvl after 30. This would be first greatly appreciated by the community. this would also balance the the amount of heroes being released by lvling up witch still give SG some money. as a company yall make more money off players playing the game farming raiding or events in such than u do from players buy hero slots so help us players out soon with adding space for heroes thx u.