[Master] Trading Between Players - Please add your comments & ideas here!

I think the empty space between the mystical vision and the down stairs could be contain a shop room between alliance player. All members have a personal box presenting like a shop, all items can be trad : heros, tool, troop… Each player can be decide the cost of their items start by a middle fork. No limite to sell what the player want, also the 5*.
To view what the others players have, you may to go on your personal shop room and see red notification on box (like a training camp), you may to click in to see the item to buy and their prices.

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It would be nice but not gonna happen, it would severly damage SGs income, especially if heroes could be traded. Just imagine having a few heavy spenders in your alliance who get 5-8 HOTMs each month they could just hand them out. Some kind of AM marketplace or a very lomited hero trade would be nice but not an unlimited one.

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Not only that - because people can move in and out of alliances at will, it would effectively enable trading of mats and heroes throughout the game. Which, as you correctly noted, would put a huge dent in SGG’s revenues.


“Sharing resources”. I understand that sharing ascension materials would be contrary to Small Giant/Zynga’s intense greed, but sharing resources shouldn’t be such a threat. I have 72 raid flasks and would love to be able to share them with my alliance members that would like to use them. What harm is that? It would be great if SG/Z could see their way to granting a method in which alliance members could share their excess resources with team members.

Ozy I brought this topic up a couple years ago and it was shot down God countless times but then there were people like you who are all for it because there are plenty of ways small giant could do all this without losing Revenue like you said a token system or even having to pay a certain amount of gems. Although it isn’t what would you want it to be I will say since I spoke up about trading or bartering with in alliances they have since come out with buying gems, battle items for each other around Valentine’s Day and certain events. I feel is a step in the right direction but sitting on 12d blades and no tomb of tactics while a member has 9 of those… something I was told would never ever be brought up again by anybody has certainly gotten closer and I feel like it may just be around the corner and some pointstrong text

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Not necessarily Heroes we are talking more along the lines of materials and not even free either might I add like being able to get a token or buy a ticket which allows you to trade one material for one other… Little things. Ive got 12dblades 11 rings. But zero TOTs but my teammates got 9 tombs! So what about 30 gems for ticket which allows us to trade one item each

Way too cheap when they’re selling the “pick your own material” pack for $30 a pop.

Bonjour moi je déconseille échange entre joueur car il y aura plus équilibré quand on fais gda ou raid ou tournoi

They could put a trade option between members of alliances if the wanted!they could put a fee for a hero(lets say 4000 diamonds) for the player that gives the hero and an extra fee(lets say 1000) trading fee for the game(so they would still have an income and a profit from this deal)!in order to prevent manipulation of this system from mercs,they could add as a safety measure a condition(lets say trading between players who are alliance members for more than 6 months)!if more players get heroes,more players will spend for 4* ascension mats…i f i know i can give the 2nd or the 3rd hotm i get from an early summon(lets say atlantis)for 4000 diamonds, i could consider doing extra summons after i get him in the latter activities of the month(valhalla,challenge events) because ill know there will be an way for me not to be stack with 3 or 4 hotm of the same month!
Even if i traded with an alliance member ome of my heroes(lets say drake fong) and the other player gave me one of his one(lets say seshat),the game would profit with 2000 diamonds from heroes we already got…

I would like to see this somehow implemented, but there would have to be some limits.

  1. Heroes must be of the same rarity. Like Epic for an Epic.
  2. Each player can only trade 1 hero every 72hrs. This is so trading isn’t super spammy.
  3. Each and every hero can only be traded once and only once(like in Pokemon GO). This is so a hero like Hel can’t go from person to person.

The biggest hurdle in this discussion obviously has to be, “What’s in it for SGG?” Thus any solution has to be one that benefits everyone, players and company alike. My alliance and I came up with a solution that we thought might fit the bill, at least w.r.t. trading 5* heroes. Thus we know that there is one unshakeable foundation to this idea, and that is trading must cost gems and that’s not negotiable. How many gems is, but that’s where this idea might help. Here’s the idea/rules we laid down for consideration.

  1. Trading can only be done WITHIN YOUR ALLIANCE! Trading with everyone in the game is just too open to being abused and really isn’t in the spirit of the game.

Okay, so you accept rule 1. What’s to prevent you from just constantly jumping alliances? That’s where rule #2 comes into effect; progressively cheaper trades in the alliance.

  1. Your very first trade within your alliance costs 3000 gems, or the equivalent of a standard 10-pull. However, each successive trade within your alliance costs 100 less gems until after 20 trades you reach the minimum where the cost is 1000 gems. If you get booted or leave your alliance, the next alliance you join the trade cost resets for you back to 3000. This should encourage not only alliance loyalty, but also maybe help to bring more rowdy alliance members into behaving better as it can cost them actual money to get booted. Remember, when trading both parties in the trade each pay the gem cost in full so SGG still gets the monetary equivalent of 2000 gems per trade even if both parties have managed to reduce their cost to the 1000 minimum.

  2. Any hero you trade is automatically reset back to 0. Any levels and emblems you forgot to remove are lost as soon as the trade is completed. The hero is treated as if it was just pulled and needs to be fully leveled up like normal.

Hoping this idea gets forwarded on to SGG for consideration.

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I think it’s better not to happen. Because a newly opened account instantly gets 100 diamonds. If such a feature comes, everyone can transfer diamonds to themselves in this way.

Is it possible to have an option to trade a hero to lower star hero from same event or same season. Trade 5* hero for 4* or trade 4* hero to 3* from same event or same season.

For example trade 4* Carol from Santa challenge to 3* Rudolph from same event.

It may seem counter productive but I see this game as a card collecting game. I would rather have variety of hero’s rather than high level multiple of same hero.

I think I would add to my suggestion something like,

A member would have to be at level 40 or 50 before they can trade.

In all honestly this topic is about swapping duplicate heroes and making use of unwanted or excess items and not making it easy for a beginner to get higher or stronger heroes faster thus I feel by the time a player reaches either of these levels they are somewhat well of having unnecessary duplicates or excess material that could honestly be swapped in a fair exchange between them.

I do agree that any swap could/should cost gems but not sure if 3000 or 1000 would be playing fair, something like 350 to 500 would sound much more reasonable and in keeping with a single summons.

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It would be great to be able to trade, sell or swap heroes with other players and/or alliance members

I would love the option to trade with my alliancemates!! So many non-S1 4* even that are out there now that seem to allude many and some have dupes they’d be happy to share. Doesn’t have to just be 5*.

I know that would potentially throw a wrench in the business model for SG, so perhaps these trades are done with some sort of trade token that could be purchased or potentially gotten as loot with a somewhat rare chance to roll.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could trade heroes within our own alliance?

If trading were allowed the game would die very quickly and could be legitimately taken advantage of (just keep making new accounts and pulling then trading)

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This. A trading feature could (and would) be abused, so I sincerely hope it does not happen.

They could limit it so that you have to be in an alliance for at least 1 month and be an elder. Also trading legendary heros once a month, epic once a week, rares any time. But both would need a token that is bought or gems.