[Master] Trading Between Players - Please add your comments & ideas here!

I won’t name other games, because typically that’s against forum rules. But you’re just flat out wrong. Tons of other games massively more successful than E&P have trading systems. They make more money, grow faster, and maintain players better also.

I’m not making these suggestions because they aren’t thought out, I have personally experienced the major benefit of trading systems, and have watched more than one game die slowly because they couldn’t figure out how to do it. The fact trading had been highly requested for 2 years and still hasn’t happened is why I presented the beginnings of a whole system. Maybe the devs just need help?


We really need som tabards for leveling our heros, its been several months since any have came up to play for, many heros are stuck at leveling to next level.

I don’t understand what you’re talking about here. Is there going to be a balance on them? Haven’t read anything like that. What exactly are you referring to?

Yes, we really need this Trade opportunity, many have several vivica in our alliance and some have none 5* healer I have 5 Telluria and others triede to get her but couldn’t , I Can Trade one Telluria for a vivica f.ex

Suggestion - regarding Alliance(s)

Would the developers and game leaders/influencers please consider adding a “trade” or gift feature for alliances?

This features use would be restricted to alliances only, and would allow members to trade resources (i.e. hero’s, materials, battle items, emblems, etc). It would increase positive interaction among players and allow alliance members to help one another. May also increase gamers play time…

If there are concerns that members would “alliance hop” to unfairly get an advantage over others maintaining loyalty to an alliance, here’s three thoughts:

  1. This can be avoided by limiting the trade feature access only to members that have been in that alliance for x # of days. Meaning you cannot trade with any members in the alliance until you have been a part of it for a minimum of 30, 90, 120, etc days (personally i think 90 days would be fair similar to real world job “90 day period”)

  2. Members who hop from alliance to alliance are already sacrificing “war chest” rewards. By implementing point stated in #1, those that switch alliances are only doing so for normal reasons (i.e. alliance isn’t active enough, personal differences with team member in alliance, searching for a new alliance with higher trophy level participants, etc).

  3. Players should be able to trade hero’s and any items in their inventory with an alliance member because they have dedicated their time (and sometimes lots of money) to obtaining add’l hero’s/ resources. If there are still concerns regarding “unfair advantages” this could also be controlled by requiring members to meet a set Player level (i.e. level 20). This would allow new players to get their feet wet in the game before receiving resource help.

Again, this feature would strengthen alliance interactions and allow us the opportunity to help teammates, converse and interact more with the game and each other.

Thank you for your consideration.


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I don’t know if i repeat the sentences below (i don’t know if there is any. the last time i check) I was wondering about that maybe we can help our fellow newbies easier just by swapping heroes of the same rarity. my fellow team-mates is struggling to get higher on trophies but just stay the same place! IS that ok to Empires and puzzles? I just want to help every one who is stuggling to go up.
Thank Please don’t kick me out of the forum i don’t know if this wong to say :robot:

Nothing wrong that you said.
Just a repeat of many many threads requesting similar and expanded features here:

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Merged, thanks! :heart_decoration:

1036 replies so far. When will we know what sg will do with our suggestions? I’d like to know that, because until now i only have the feeling that i am speeking ti the void…

If they say: no, we will not even consider a marketplace or something alike, that is fine with me, but than i suggest that they close this toppic

If they say: yes, good idea, please give us people in what period we may expect such change in the game. 1 month, 3 month, a year, 2 year,…

Just to give the players something to look forward to…

Don’t be sorry. Nothing wrong with having an opinion! I’d like to have the option to “trade” to help some of the newbies out too.

I feel you, but don’t expect any information from the devs :confused:

Afaik the only “statement” ever made about trading was in an AMA a year ago where they mention, that the idea is interesting… which basically means nothing.

I keep it with the trading system the same as with summons: I hope for the best, but I don’t expect anything. And on the contrary to summons, I don’t have much hope left on this topic.

I don’t want to create or maintain negative response, but it is an act of elementary politement to answer when a question is made…

I teach it to my children: when someone asks you something , you answer, with respect for the other person, even if the answer itself don’t pleases that person…

But at least the person knows how you feel about it…

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Hi everyone!

I’ve seen some posts about exchanging heroes between players, but I’ve never seen anything constructive, that can benefit the player, without harming the game or SG.
Exchanges would come with some rules:

  • Only within the Alliance.

  • Player who leaves the alliance before 90 days after the exchange loses the hero and all items that have been applied (including items of ascension 3 * and 4 * and emblems). The hero does not return to the original player. If a player clicks to leave the alliance, a warning about the loss of the hero and applied items, including emblems, appears. If a player is kicked from the alliance, the hero is not lost, but returns to tier 1, loses all applied items, including emblems.

  • Limited to 2 exchanges per member, renewing every 6 months. If you made the first change on May 8th, you can make the third change on November 8th.

  • Exchange with heroes of the same rarity: 3 * with 3 *, 4 * with 4 * and 5 * with 5 *.

  • The exchange must happen with heroes of the same tier (1 with 1, 2 with 2, 3 with 3, 4 with 4).

  • Emblems are not considered and must be reset before the exchange.

  • Exchanges do not suit the costumes, only heroes. In case of exchange with full suit, it will be automatically reset (a notice of loss of the suit will appear at the time of exchange).

  • Exchange cannot be for the Hotm of the last 6 months.

That’s it… I hope you enjoy it…

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The player booted if traded at a tier above 1 should NOT loose past what it was traded at.
I say to protect some of SG’s profit they may charge 500 gems per trade. I say this because there is no way they will let us trade for free. The trade would eliminate the want for said hero which will therefore make player NOT chase that hero no more. Example there is people that spend $100s or even $1000s chasing a hero such as gravey, and now get them for free from a trade. NO WAY NOHOW NEVER.

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I definitely understand. I have many 5 * that are duplicates also. I wanted to make a incentive system going for my team. Giving away items for our elders and members for them to play more Titans, Battles, and staying on the team. I wished there was an way the empire and puzzle staff could look into this more ssd’s o we can further support our team members

So we can ask another member of our team if they are willing to change a 5* for another 5*. How does that work?

That’s a good idea… for bout 500 or 1k gems you can trade heroes. Nobody loses, not even SG

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Yeah, that’s it! A member could put his duplicate (or not) heroes to trade in a store in the citadel, or in a forum in the settings.

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Not happening. It’s going to be through the hero academy. No trading with others.

A nice feature would be to add a trade feature! Being able to trade characters to create your perfect team! What do you think?