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Will there any 2019 family’s costume?

Alasie have one!

Alasie was a 2018 HotM, the only one from 2019 with a costume is Seshat.

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Yea, and i need another 11

What is up with this portal, why is there nothing new to pull yet again?

Still waiting, 6 months later


Too late for him to join…


Still good. Also dispell at very fast

Also got him. First non-season 1 hero from this portal.

I will ascend him but I have a feeling I won’t be using him much since I already got Ray maxed.


3x free pulls from finishing the event got me nothing.
Managed to get free gems from pog and did a pull, got Satori


How many coins do we usually get from this?
I started with 85 coins, and now I did two pulls and i’ve got 65 coins left. That would be 180 coins. And I’ve completed every single stage.

Dont we usually to get 200 from here?

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No, but I thought they made mention of “every event will have 2+ free summons”. Something like that. :sweat_smile:

Edit: Found the post but this event isn’t included.


Still no new heroes or any word on the supposed changes that were announced last May. I’d pay to be a fly on the wall at SGG, how do these things just get forgotten about


Also most of them requires a costume bonus buff too now again.

Yawn, this thing is boooooring. Last time I played first 5 stages or so with a single hero to spice things up. But it took longer so I just finished it now the regular way. This thing definitely needs a rework.

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Still remember how much effort we have to put in for roster mgmt when this even was first launched in 2020.

Nowadays, can finish all 10 levels easily using heroes from one color only lol…


Yeah, i literally dont even have to think about what heroes to use and save for the last stages like I used to.

The fact is I can simply do this on my alt account which has 50 maxed heroes, 1 is a 5* , 11 are 4* and the rest are 3*.