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Such a sad event.
Iā€™ve saved coins for a good HOTMā€¦ when that one finally arrives they put in 3 of the worst heroes in the tavern :joy:


Current edition:


3x free pulls


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Exactlyā€¦ its not even worth pulling with these 2 featured heroes. Thanks for saving my :moneybag:

I pulled to fill the pathetic chestā€¦who did the artwork on these new heros? ā€¦ so unappealingā€¦make me not even want them for collection

Iā€™m saving my ToL coins for the next time C Perseus is featured

It might take some time now that SGG is releasing new costumes for former HOTM

But as the Oracle says, patient is a virtue.


15 free pulls on my accounts, all season 1 three starsā€¦no pay pulls for me

Is it me or does it seem like they didnā€™t put a lot of thought into the latest costumes in legend. First seshat costume looks like all they did was move dispel to be activated first and changed the overall damage for less. The other two basically minor changes from mana acquiring to affecting more targets. The change, mana from moderate gaining every turn to increase percentage per tile, what is the actual advantage? Do you get a lot of automatically generated mana or is it better to hope to have tiles that you can match to quickly gain your skill back?

Depends on the way you play really.

I think Aegirā€™s costume makes him more of a healer than he was before. I would be slightly more likely to use him with costume than I currently do as a result. Iā€™m sure others would agree, especialy if you lack a decent blue healer.

For Seshat, priority dispel makes her a bit more useful. I think priority dispel would make any hero more useful, especially if they do damage and/or leave a status ailment afterwards.

Aeron, now recovers health instantly (At average speed too) rather than healing over time, which many people will prefer. I personally prefer the Ailment block of his original version to the redistibuting status ailments, but I can see a use for it.

I am unsure what Mana change you are talking about though. With everything else, the change doesnā€™t make them completely different heroes but it does make them a little different and for some they may see more use as a result of the costume. I donā€™t think it is too out of line with already released costumes.

Just one gamerā€™s opinion

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm: :wolf:


Undead Carrot Farmer isnā€™t the Hero we wantedā€¦heā€™s the Hero we needed.


Seshat costume first dispel is very helpful
Hel costume is a must have
Aegir costume is okish

I like the new costumes, just like I like every new portal that comes without another new OP monster hero!

  1. It doesnĀ“t create new problems for the game
  2. It means I donĀ“t have to do any pulls and save my money instead :slight_smile:
  3. Those that get the new costumes have old and less than amazing heroes updated to at least better stats and if not better at least different skills for more variability.

Seshat I like the best of the lot, even though that costume is already getting old again now. Those healers arenĀ“t really for me. I have too many blue and purple heroes already, I want red with a few greens thrown in, so weĀ“ll see what the next round bringsā€¦


These costumes are an upgrade. They are just not ā€œOMG I MUST HAVE THIS HEROā€ grade. Which is how it SHOULD beā€¦ the constant release of OP heroes like Jove or Waterpipe and others has just made the game not fun and unplayable at higher levels of play.

It would be funny and horryfing if he would be dominating the upper echelon in wars and raids :smiley:

Everyone disgusted with his special powerā€¦ but he has a carrot and a rakeā€¦ and he wont be denied to plow the fields and everyone who crosses him :stuck_out_tongue:

I do agree, the recent costumes might not differ too much from the original. But in regards to Seshat, I feel that having dispell first is actually quite a big deal! IĀ“d love to have her :purple_heart:


Generaly all costumes improve their owners)) all heroes become strongerā€¦ i see another side: new costumes are funny and positive: old ice dude with carrots on his belt and in a cowboy hat)) remember the quest for petsā€¦ the classic easter bunnies and the carrot theme is also visible ā€¦ all this is fun :carrot:

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Yeah i agree with that it can be more improve there stats then the special ā€¦ I have Ā©LotL i use the original more then the costume whilst i have Ā©snowwhite and use the costume version .
It also can depend on class of the hero with a costume i also have Ā©killhare and prefer fighter class then druid ā€¦ Is a each to there own on how yah wanna use themā€¦

Exept SantaKlaus one hahaha

Just pointing out that Seshat isnā€™t a new costume, sheā€™s featured but she was one of the first HotM costumes to be released (at the same time as GM & Alby).