[Master] -- 👻 Soul Exchange

I have so much soul food omg please please I need the space so bad XDDDD


I’m sending Bo back to his tinted van that he parks in the nearby woods. I’m keeping Runt though


:notes: Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow,
you can engage in the grizzly business of soul exchange. :notes: :scream:


It’s coming June 24


Time to bring it to 10k comments! Lets go!


So much for inside info of Soul Exchange being pushed back until july or August, LMAO. :rofl:


This will be the 10th SE, The 6th was June 1st, 2023. The 2nd was May 30th, 1022 (close to a 1 year gap).

This is third SE on 24th in a row, looks like it might stay like that, we will see next time.

That would be the 1st SE where i have enough heroes to sacrifice, hope it’ll be an unforgettable 1st time

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Last SE was crazy good for options. I’d be surprised if they did as good or better this time

Just one gamer’s opinion

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:


SG, uncustomarily, built up some good faith with last SG’s options. I’d be surprised if options weren’t at least as good this time.

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It was indeed very good compared to the previous SE options.

Although they can even raise the bar a little as with the current standard of power increase whatever we selected 3 months ago is a lot less effective by now.

I think toolbox heroes are the way to go to fill in the gaps in attacking.


Actually you have broken it some time ago, but P4F is merging old posts to the archive thread

rumour has it that SG can base their choices on player feedback.

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Okay guys, last chance to get your predictions in to win an emoji and maybe a title, get them in now:


Calendar updated for Soul Exchange June 24-27.

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Could they please add a 30 or 40 soul tier and offer a hero that was released within the last 6 months? For most pay to play players soul exchange is nothing more than free up space. We spend so much money pulling for heroes, they could at least make it an additional tier to cater for those with double digits legendary heroes sitting in their roster. Just a thought.


@Petri something like this would be extremely fitting!


I wouldn’t be, they have to reserve all the utter trash ones for the FS now, we’re now starting to get the bottom-of-the-barrel decent ones due to the power creep forcing them forward.


Which is why they will never put the latest Heroes in SE. The power sprint means that there will always be plenty of outdated ones available, some of which may be from as recent as just last year.

I thought this was common knowledge? Though yes, definitely meant to say power marathon, not creep.

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