[Master] -- šŸ‘» Soul Exchange

some of the bards are older by now, I mean they arenā€™t brand new. maybe one of them could be in SE??? that mana boost for solo heroes is great that the bard family bonus does, tons of people would be glad to have one of those in there roster, even if its not the top 5* bard


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Hello elioty, before yellow superelemental wich colour is tā€™he next? I forget it

tier 1:
random unpopular HoTMs and very old event heroes who arenā€™t good

tier 2:
2 or 3 heroes like tier 1, the rest are ok heroes at best (we may get another ludwig case)

tier 3:
2 ok heroes, 3 between very good and exceptional

my guess for the exceptional per colour are:
Anne, Queen Anne, Miki, Hel costume, Cupido

there are so many candidates in mind but i didnā€™t want to pur too many names

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Anne : no way sheā€™s way to powerful and desirable and far out classes anyone else in that portal to be listed when they want people to pull in it. for a yellow you would likely see Rhys listed before her and even then I donā€™t think so

Queen Anne: she could def be a possibility, sheā€™s good but no airims or de winter so no big loss pull wise to E&Pā€™s bottom line so could be quite likely

miki : people have been wanting him a long time, thereā€™s really no reason he shouldnā€™t be, heā€™s bound to get a costume at some point but the base one is still decent stats but its that ss that is desirable, he could even be in the 15 row and almost as good a value as Ludwig when there, but doubt they would be so kind twice lol. very likely pick, at least at some point

c hel : i donā€™t think is super likely because sheā€™s quite new, I think she got a bit of a nerf after release? if she did it might make her a bit more likely, sheā€™s not impossible but not a sure thing, then again people really only pull in legends for the new featured so maybe better odds of getting listed than I think.

Cupido: odds are prob pretty good, heā€™s a great hero but that portal is new and stronger heroes are bound to be released next time and even more the next year. being a new seasonal hero that is very good but doesnā€™t get a lot of posts calling him OP make him a even more likely choice to be listed.

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Am hoping to see some covenant hero (hunter class hero) getting into next one or two SEā€¦ The oldest batch including Cleaver, Adalinda, Hawthorn, Malin etc are introduced in Aug/Sep last year.

I expect to see one decent tier 2 hero, likes of prof Linde or Krampus or something in that ballpark.
Out of tier 3 I expect some hero that was awesome 3 years ago, like c Kad or Pengi, with maybe one great newer hero like c Panther

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I think we might see more old magic heroes like Motega (whoā€™s awesome), some CoK hero like Quintin or Rayne. Krampus is likely as a seasonal example, and even some Kalevala hero

Maybe another gargoyle like Pebolite or El Duque.

I just want Mr. Pengi, Miki or Toxicandra to be on list. Not all in the same time :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Iā€™m ok with a skippable Miki, Sharā€™Khai has replaced him in my heart :joy:


yeah reg prof L in row 2 seems pretty possible but kramp I think more row 3 at least with his C which is already older so heā€™s been out for a bit seems more likely a listing.

first C Kad was already in SE wasnā€™t she? if so I donā€™t think theyā€™d repeat so soon but her X2 is a big draw in the CC, think she has already been featured twice maybe 3 times so I donā€™t see her being listed because people want her 2 costumes from the portal. pengi I could def see in row3 if they plan on giving him a C this year, would be a very standard play by e&p. panther or c panther is a likely listing but not for a bit I think, c g kong was just in SE and they are same portal, makes me think not this SE but one not far away

Iā€™m hoping for EDD heroes

Evelyn, Frida or C1 Leonidas.

Just like you warned, not all in the same time


anne was chosen because she was the first new hero introduced in the challenge festival.

we had Milena before so Anne isnā€™t farfetched in my opinion.

weā€™ll see, anything is possible XD

me saying Anne is very unlikely is strictly my opinion of course, I have no knowledge about what e&p will actually do. I donā€™t think she will be listed anytime soon but itā€™s certainly not impossible. Just because I say so. :+1:

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I donā€™t want anne in the exchangeā€¦ she will be on every defense and she can wreck a team by herself.


which they suddenly regreted after event closed and one reason why they wanted to give her a ā€œbalanceā€ treatment because every versatile player choose her
and she isnt even a def strong hero like anne

in my opinion ludwig + milena are the 2 choices which they deeply regret putting in ā€œfor freeā€ in soul exchange hence that kind of lame last SE

so in nooooo way there will be anne in this se :smiley: maybe end of 2024 if this game still gets updated until then


its not just that Anne is strong sheā€™s top meta, expecting E&P to negate the revenue they get for people pulling for her is the main reason they arenā€™t likely to list her in SE. sheā€™s also the best in that portal with little else the comes remotely close, as I remember anyway. she isnā€™t even featured often in all the time sheā€™s been available, to keep her scarce and make people pull more imo. I donā€™t see her getting listed for a long time or until she gets nerffed


She is great, but CF1 also has guardian hippo, C guardian gazelle, C guardian panther, C green knight, C. Guin which are all very strong heroes, then also C. Rumple and other smaller valuable gems


I have c rumpleā€¦ I wouldnā€™t call him desirableā€¦ More quirky and usefulā€¦ But shouldnā€™t be mentioned in the same breathe asā€¦


Thats why I mentioned C. Rumple separately with other smaller gems :wink:

He can be a great and fun asset!

I guess I more meant that she is the best attacker in that portal. Hippo and gazelle are some of the best support heroes in the game. Didnā€™t mean to imply Anne is the only hero worth pulling for in there, but the majority are less desirable or older, but even the older ones can be gems like panther, sheā€™s not super new including her costume but a EDD hero is very valuable in a roster. Panther seems like who they would choose to list in SE from there, and worth being in row 3 :+1: .