🕵 [MASTER] Portal Stats & Summon Results – Season 4 (Underwild)

4 Helo from 6 summon, are you ok, developer?

That makes my 5 Vollermorks from 20 summons look quite normal!

Let us know if you ever get 4 Elizabeth out of 6 summons. The Helo news doesn’t make the front page…

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the developer’s acc say’s

it’s not normal, math says “no!”, developers has not any knowleges about percents

I’ve seen three bonus draws on a single pull. 4 helps is way less shocking to me.

The odds for getting a S4 3* hero are 51,4%
There are 5 3* heroes (I hope I didn’t miscount :crazy_face:)
So the odds for getting a specific S4 3* hero, say helo, are 10.28%
Now we can easily do the math for how likely it is to get 4 helos out of 6 pulls

|number of helo| 6 pulls|
| — | — | — |

So getting 4 helos is somewhat a little bit special, but looking how many people play this game not really outstanding.

I don’t know, we have around a million players, how many people will do 6 pulls? A few hundred thousand?
Even if only 100k people do 6 pulls around 140 of them will have 4 helos in their summon.
And the same number with all other 3*. There will be also around 140 happy gramps owners etc.

So with 100k summoners, there will be around 700 people who get 4 identical 3* heroes out of 6 pulls.

Yes that’s not that many, but also not so little.

Math says yes!

Don’t know what feeling says?


20 Summons: 5 Vollermork, 3 Poppy, 3 Gramps, 1 Helo, 1 Belith, 3 Morris, 1 Mack, 1 Rokkamush, 1 Boldtusk, 1 Cyprian

Not even 1 Alexandrine…

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And then there are those days/ weeks/ months… My results from a gems 10-pull and 10-15 coins pulls(all of them new). Yeah, I know I’m a lucky dog :smiley: and you can throw virtual darts (poison hopefully) at my post :sweat_smile::



well this is nice. this was the third pull off earned coins:

just managed to catch her lit up in Underwild stones, lol. :heart_eyes:

also got a second Poppy and then Gramps earlier. no complaints. i had fed away my spare Grimm not so long ago and now i’m like, hunh. maybe i’ll keep him too.



Scraped together enough coins for a final pull. Well worth it i think.


I did 120 pulls and got the hero of the month. One 5* hero out of 120 pulls. I have bought every special offer on the season 4 portal. I am a heavy spender but thanks SG. This was truly the last time I spend anything on this game. I been playing this game over three years. Ever sense of Zanga took over this game has gone down hill. When You Tube Channels like Anchor and Lions Roar Start promoting games like Gem Stone Legends while discussing empire and puzzle you know it is time to move on.


Oh happy day…


Oof. 160 Summons netted me Horghall

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Sounds like I’m not the only one whose month it isn’t.


I finally had some decent pulls from the S4 portal!



I wanted Xnolphod, but Elizabeth and Zenobia will do as a consultation prize! :wink:

Now, I just need 12 rings! :joy::sob::rofl:


Omg amazing luck, how many pulls did you do if you don’t mind me asking? I’m in the same boat as others, with 100 or so pulls and no 5* other than the HOTM


Someone made 780 Season 4 pulls… Whales… are whales… :joy:


I did five 10-pulls and 25 single pulls. I had several instances where I pull 2* troops back to back with free tokens, so I went ahead did a 10-pull each time. It worked out well. :wink:


He actually got most OP combo currently in game - 4x Xnolphod!

He can win versus any monster and any team now in one turn!

He only needs one mana generating dps like C.Khagan, Lancelot, probably also Missandra works etc,…

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