Monthly MT report - Jormungandr
Single hit - top 1%
Total damage - top 1%
Alliance ranking - top 100 (with 29 members)
Overall loot - as disappointed, as most of the time. Where is the revamp here?
Monthly MT report - Jormungandr
Single hit - top 1%
Total damage - top 1%
Alliance ranking - top 100 (with 29 members)
Overall loot - as disappointed, as most of the time. Where is the revamp here?
Nice scores @TribL, congrats!
I get the loot isn’t worth it if you’re going hard, but if you just used basic teams and all 12 attacks you still get like 60-80 emblems for little effort, and minimal real life time, compared to challenge events with replays.
Anyways, Jormungandr was the one missing avatar from my collection. Scores in all events are rising quickly. Even though the heroes I had been targeting and shooting for to help with the avatar hadn’t arrived (thanks RNG ), it was kind of now or never. Plus, another 10 month wait wasn’t really going to work.
I figured my sub optimal teams had to get to 5 million to stand a chance. I had 3 teams set intending 4 attacks each. Turns out my 2nd sucked and my third team, which I thought would be the weak link, went toe to toe with my first team.
Long story short, I got the avatar and got nearly 6 million total damage. I am well aware that is 1-2 attacks worth of damage to some, but I do not have those rosters, so I am pretty pleased with the score I got. MT avatar level collection complete and I also got a 1 million damage on the one prior.
Probably not going hard for total damage on one of these ever again. I may do some attacks to see how high I can get a single hit though. Even cruising though, I will take the emblems every other month or whatever.
Thanks for your help too @Smaug_the_Golden
[quote=“Muchacho, post:586, topic:241660”]
MT avatar level collection complete [/quote]
Yesssssssssssss Muchacho!!! I knew this day would come and I’m so proud of you. Love the attitude of going for one big hit going forward and relaxing otherwise. You did very well, my friend! Congrats!
PS Sheesh a little time away from the forum and I can’t format my quote properly
Hey Smaug I saw that. Good even to see a deleted post. Have a great flight and stop by here eventually, when RL hits a boring stretch
And a post. Yes, funny how quickly some things get forgotten. Even by dragons obviously…
Haha I tried to fix it and then undelete it and it all went to….Hel
Always nice to see you. You are such a love!
Will the next element be fire ( Ifrit)?
It should be if nothing changes. Good luck!